Stephen Lindberg

Well Known Member
Yesterday I met if not the oldest RV pilot, certainly a notable airman. I was at a fly-in and happened upon an elderly gentleman closing his hangar doors. He looked no more than 80, clear eyed, fit, and sinewy. We talked about his RV4 and he mentioned that Uncle Sam had taught him to fly in 1941. He had been a fighter pilot during WWII and had flown many of the century series fighters of the fifties. He liked Van's design philosophy: light, simple, and fast. Just like his daily driver, he said, pointing out the Lotus parked in the garage at the rear of his hangar. Another clue to this interesting man was hanging from the rafters, a single seat scull that he had built and raced. He liked the Northwest in part because of proximity to the mountains, but he was no longer climbing because he was 89 years old! I won't mention his name out of respect for his privacy but I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing him many more years of aviating.