
Well Known Member
I’m at the point I need to acquire a wing kit. My wish is for a QB set, but I’ve located an old (1996) SB wing kit locally that I will look at this weekend. It’s a 1996 kit, based on my research means previous version spars and tips, and the rear spar hinge SB. The spar doesn’t concern me, build quality and corrosion and completeness does. The big question I hope someone can answer from recent experience is can I put these wings on a new QB fuse? Any other advice?

I've already sent a note off to Vans on the topic, I'll report back what they say. I was hoping somebody had some experience with this big a time gap, so I had more confidence going into the inspection this weekend. Much like Bryan, I did the same (SB wings 2002, QB fuse 2007) with a five year time gap for my -9A. Vans did take back my 2002 center section in 2007.
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Similar situation....

...But I am not at the point where I am ready to join them yet, so the "actual" fit is still to be determined. I just received my QB fuselage kit last September, and in a conversation with Vans I raised the same question as you about the fit of my older wing spars to the :newer center section of the QB fuse. They asked me when I had ordered/received my SB wing kit, which I received back in 2010. They said that the newer center section of the newer QB fuselage should fit the spars from my older wing kit with no problem.

That said, they were very direct about asking me WHEN I had received my wing kit/spars. Since you are talking about wing spars from the mid 90's, you may want to give Vans a call. There does seem a be a point where this becomes a concern as a result of the matchup/mating differences of older wing spars with the holes in the center section of the fuse, but I don't recall what the actual breakpoint was for that. Vans will know for sure. Good luck.
Did you get an answer from Van's?

I have a set of -1 QB wings from 2001. I just bought my fuselage kit. Since its slow build, I had to ask them to provide the longerons that are normally shipped with the slow-build wing kit.

When I asked about my 2001 wings fitting the newer fuselage, Van's assured me that they would.