
Active Member
1. So my exhaust pipe (the one that has a SB to replace it with EX-00017-1 newer exhaust pipe) just gave in: found a big crack, probably would have got me in trouble in the next flight or two. Anyway one has an old exhaust pipe that got replaced with the newer SB part, I will happily take / buy, as there is a waiting period of few weeks. So do you? If so, please let me know.

2. Recently the oil temp has been running in the yellow (247 deg F) when up in the air. As a side note, I wonder if that had anything to do with the fatigue of the exhaust pipe? What do you think can cause such high temps? I had a winterization kit installed as temps in Virginia were around 40 deg or so but now has gone up higher. So took out the baffles from the oil cooler and radiator, that's when I noticed the #1 above. So I am grounded anyway. I am hoping taking away the winterization kit should improve the oil temp situation.

3. While the cowling was off, also notice splatter of coolent leaking from somewhere, not sure where though, a bunch of it was patched under the engine coolent pump, but could not located where exactly its coming from. Opened the coolent radiator tank and found it was full of coolent.

Not necessary to answer all, but any insights on any of the above will be greatly appreciated.
You might get a weld shop to do a repair that spells you until you can get a new one. Assuming you are EAB or ELSA.
Regarding your #3, the leakage could be coming from the coolant pump weep hole. Check your email.
Just to give you all an update:

Good news is, I got all three fixed and went flying today.

1. Got an expert to do the welding. So the exhaust pipe is back on today. I will get the EX-00017-1 new style upgrade exhaust pipe in a few weeks. So will be watching closely the performance of this current one.

2. Taking off the winterization kit solved the overtempt problem.

3. Found the hose going to the coolant radiator wet underneath, which was leaking coolant. Was just simple matter of tightening the screw enough. However, may not explain why I saw puddle of coolant under the engine, near the weeping, hole. Will keep an eye.

Overall, all positive after the flight today. As always, thank you for this website and the very helpful folks and like minded RVers!

Thank you,
Keep checking it. I've had mine welded twice, and just discovered it cracked again, for the third time. Very frustrating to have to spend $1400+ to replace all the exhausts, because they are not making the original ones any longer. These are not even the ones subject to the SB.
Sorry to hear and curiously, how long between the welding and cracks you observed? Why not order the new exaust per SBs? Which is about $230 (if thats the exhaust pipe that cracked for you)
If the cracks keep occurring at the same location consider having your repair shop weld doublers in that area.
RFSchaller, my welder put a little extra patch piece on one side of the pipe, assuming that's what you mean by doubler. I should have had him done it on both side, though he said if it cracks, he will fix it for free, basically saying it should not crack. Let's hope and see..
Tough to answer without looking at the actual pipe. What I was suggesting is welding strips longitudinally along the outside of the pie in the area that cracks, not just a patch over the crack. If the crack is due to fatigue that would stiffen the area decreasing deflections and reduce fatigue usage.