
Well Known Member
Old School Panel = 1996 RV6:


Older School Panel = 1932 Monocoupe 110

How's that line go again?

What's your favorite airplane?

"The one I'm flying now".

Beautiful Monocoupe!

Seattle area
AWESOME! We love our Luscombe and RV-6. We go to Blakesburg every year and drool over the Monocoupes. maybe....someday...
A uAvionix AV-30 or one of the new Garmin 3" instruments wouldn't look out of place in the Monocoupe at all. And would add significant functionality to the aircraft. But I know, purists... :)
Basic airplane, all you need is a jelly jar compass, altimeter, airspeed... and a chart. Add engine instruments, Tach, OP, OT, Fuel gauge(s)....
What more do you need

Nice and simple from the 1930's, probably just like Van envisaged for the original RVs!
The iPad/tablet off to the side is surprisingly unobtrusive, and I just love the wood along with the metal fittings.