
Legacy Member
My Hookers are now nine years old with 750+ hours on them.

Do any of you know at what point they should go back for new webbing?

The webbing looks good but the labels have pealed off.

But I know from my racing days, there was a life limit in terms of years on the harnesses I used in my car but don't recall a similar limit for the aviation harnesses.
If you think you are going to continue running into trailers, I would get them re-webbed........:D
I am disappoint

Really thought this thread was going in a different direction...

Hooker will tell you to get them re-webbed when they get faded or frayed. How much is subjective. After 10 years and nearly 1400 hours, I felt mine were sufficiently faded and frayed to warrant replacement. I'm glad I did, they look so much better after re-webbing. I don't remember the exact cost, but it was relatively inexpensive.