
Well Known Member
this is all from our fearless leader roger. florida flying at its best every thursday wx permitting. message me and i will get you on the email list for the greatest show going. Turbo out.

Old Farts...
Here?s a quick recap on our Thursday, December 5th Lunch at Aero Acres (FD88). The weather was just about perfect... so 52 fixed wing and three whirlybirds showed up. WOW! All went without a hitch. The food was catered by the nearby Carter?s Grocery. It was incredible. If anyone went home hungry, it wasn?t our fault. Ribs, chicken, potato salad, baked beans, green beans, collard greens, cornbread and peach cobbler. The early arrivals went through nearly 100 cups of coffee and two big trays of pastries. When we tallied up the money... it showed that we fed 110 people and cleared $130. That goes into an Old Fart reserve, to help cover the dreaded event when WX causes a bunch of no-shows and a catering bill to pay.

A HUGE Thank You goes out to my Friends, Neighbors and fellow Old Farts here at Aero Acres. My wife Terese, Jeff and Mary Weston, Jeff and Lynda Hammer, Stacy and Patty Lewis, Dick and Pat Aziere, Bob and Nancy DiGiovanni, Val and Debbie Brenner, Curtis Yeagle, Cindy Voulze, Inge Covey and even house guests of the Lewis??... Darrell and Phoung. These folks all chipped in to make sure everyone was parked and fed, set up tables and chairs, cleaned up the mess... etc!!! Great Job!!!

Jeff Hammer and Cindy Voulze took all the photos for me that were used in the collages below. Freed me up to do my meet n greet. Jon Schellenger also took a large quantity of pics, but we haven?t hooked up to get them shipped over to me. You may see more photos down the road, or one of Jon?s great videos.

Another great success. If you have the capability of hosting an Old Fart lunch at your Airpark or home Airport... please get with me, and let?s talk. It is a lot of work for those involved, but very rewarding.

As always... Thanks to all you Old Farts for showing up, having fun and being safe!

Old Fart Roger...

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Old Farts...
Our numbers were down, but it certainly was a beautiful day to fly. I counted close to thirty Old Fart aircraft at Sebring on Thursday. We all did a great job of spacing things out. The Cooks and Pipers were on the ramp with their pretty J3 Cubs, when I arrived before 10:00 a.m. They had breakfast, did a little meet ?n greet on the ramp and headed out. Old Farts Steve Chefan and Mike Canuso didn?t arrive until after 12:00 in Mike?s beautiful Aerostar. Cindy, and her staff at the Landing Strip Cafe had chairs on half the tables, to keeps things spread out. Some ate out on the patio, while a few decided to dine inside. All the Old Farts did a great job of keeping some spacing, avoiding handshakes and generally following guidelines we?ve all been told to adhere to.

We will see how things shake out over the next couple days. A lot of you are urging me to keep things going. I am definitely canceling our planned visit to the Seminole Inn at Indiantown next Thursday. I just don?t see any way to keep acceptable social spacing in that venue. If the COVID-19 situation doesn?t worsen, we might work something out at Arcadia and their outdoor facilities. Airport Manger Shelley Peacock says we are welcome anytime! I?m playing this day by day. A few have suggested we shut down completely. The vast majority I?ve heard from, want to keep rolling, as long as reasonably safe.

Again... today was a GREAT DAY to AVIATE!!! Thanks to all who were there. Your presence is what Old Farts is all about!

Old Fart Roger

Old Farts...
Our numbers were down, but it certainly was a beautiful day to fly. I counted close to thirty Old Fart aircraft at Sebring on Thursday. We all did a great job of spacing things out. The Cooks and Pipers were on the ramp with their pretty J3 Cubs, when I arrived before 10:00 a.m. They had breakfast, did a little meet ?n greet on the ramp and headed out. Old Farts Steve Chefan and Mike Canuso didn?t arrive until after 12:00 in Mike?s beautiful Aerostar. Cindy, and her staff at the Landing Strip Cafe had chairs on half the tables, to keeps things spread out. Some ate out on the patio, while a few decided to dine inside. All the Old Farts did a great job of keeping some spacing, avoiding handshakes and generally following guidelines we?ve all been told to adhere to.

We will see how things shake out over the next couple days. A lot of you are urging me to keep things going. I am definitely canceling our planned visit to the Seminole Inn at Indiantown next Thursday. I just don?t see any way to keep acceptable social spacing in that venue. If the COVID-19 situation doesn?t worsen, we might work something out at Arcadia and their outdoor facilities. Airport Manger Shelley Peacock says we are welcome anytime! I?m playing this day by day. A few have suggested we shut down completely. The vast majority I?ve heard from, want to keep rolling, as long as reasonably safe.

Again... today was a GREAT DAY to AVIATE!!! Thanks to all who were there. Your presence is what Old Farts is all about!

Old Fart Roger

so what is the entry age limit for the group? looks like fun to me and wouldn't mind going to some of these events.

Old Farts...
Time to Shut It Down
March 23rd. 2020...
Old Farts...

You?ve all been expecting this... so here it is... Old Farts Flying Club is shutting down for the foreseeable future. I don?t have to re-hash all the reasons. There is simply no way to do what we enjoy every Thursday, without some risk of spreading the virus. Those that attended Sebring last week did a great job of following guidelines, but the risk is still there. We have to shut it down.

I will send out an occasional post, when things pertaining to Old Farts come my way. As activities and venues to keep us occupied, continue to shut down at an alarming rate, I?m reminded of a ?meme? sent to me by a friend, ?Just a reminder... when Shakespeare was quarantined because of the plague, he wrote King Lear. #NoPressure?. I promise you, it won?t be a Shakespeare play, but I do intend to get at compiling my guide of places to fly in south Florida for a $100 hamburger and/or other attractions. A few of you sent suggestions when I last requested your input. I?ve saved those emails. If you have an out of the way Airport that fits the bill, send me a few details.

I will wait before compiling my season recap. If all this blows over sooner than most of us anticipate, we may be able to squeeze in an Old Farts lunch in late April or early May.

Stay in touch!

Old Fart Roger

[email protected] EMAIL this address to get on the list for next year.

it is probably the biggest weekly event in the WORLD. :D:cool::eek: