
Well Known Member
Last weekend I was able to take an old F6F pilot up. Actually had to completely pick him up to get him in a 182 - said he didn't mind. He can't see well but I watched him feeling the controls. We had a great time.

I dragged and dropped in for the "carrier" landing and braked hard. He laughed and said it would do. These guys are treasures and we are losing them fast. Wish I had the $$ to get him into a Hellcat. I'm still thinking about how to get him into the RV.

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Good on ya, man. MANY kudos for taking him up. And as you say, pretty soon they will all be gone. :(
My Dad is a career Naval Aviator. Flew Skyraiders in The forgotten war. We put him in my Cub like he is a torpedo. He is 92. Give him an altitude and heading to hold and the needles do not move. One of the greatest generation.

Bob Grigsby
3B almost done
J3 flys. Fun
That's great. Im glad you got the chance to make that guys day. I wish I could see the picture!
Here's my Dad (on the left in the photo) in front of a Hellcat. Probably taken on the Bennington in 1945, but I'll never know for sure. I fly with his wings attached to my glareshield.

That's great. Im glad you got the chance to make that guys day. I wish I could see the picture!
Not sure why the pic sometimes won't show in Edge but does for me in Chrome. Using Google Photos.. all sharing settings seem OK. The look on John's face is amazing. A local blogger turned it into a "story" that has all the pics as well: http://aeroexperience.blogspot.com/2017/12/world-war-ii-veteran-pilot-takes-to-air.html. BTW am asking around in other circles if there is anybody else left from VF-80 at that time, Ticonderoga/Hancock.
That is just awesome!!! Any chance to spend time with these guys is a treasure. At Oshkosh I try to get to as many of the forums with these WWII heroes as I can. Their stories are incredible.
Charlie Flaherty, B-17 waist gunner, Italy, 1944. Now 92 years old. The photo was last June at our EAA chapter "Fly a Buddy" day.

Took my old buddy Ray for a ride in the Citation XLS+. His big grin made my day.

97 years young, WWII Navy pilot. Flew some of the greats like the Corsair.

Retired form AA and flew almost everything in their fleet including the 747. A

standout member of the greatest generation.

RV7 owner soon
I don't care what kind of day you were having. Reading a thread like this makes you feel good all day long. Thanks.

Ok. Here is my tale.

My Museum buddy Jim flew F6Fs and F6F drones out of Brown Field in San Diego in the 50s. We met at the Midway Restoration Hangar. Jim also flew Skyraiders, helicopters for dusting and C-130s for fire bombing. Jim's friend Ken Bemes lives in the El Centro Valley. Ken was a tech rep for Consolidated and was in the UK for the entire war as a B-24 rep. England used the B-24 for coastal patrol. Ken has pictures of the noses of many of the 24s that he encountered. He delivered planes as flight engineer to Africa and Europe and would fly home to Laguardia on the Boeing 314. After the war Ken owned the FBO in Brawley CA which he donated to the City so the City named a street after him. Ken was the go to guy for all things Stearman.

Jim and I would visit him every 6 weeks or so. We really did not know his age but one visit we saw a number of birthday cards on the fireplace mantel. 100 years old. The only guy I know personally who is 100.

The same visit we learned he had an accident during the summer. He drove himself the the post office to drop off some mail in the drive through. He dropped a letter, placed the pickup in REVERSE, got out and rolled over his right leg. Life flight to San Diego and he was back home soon there after.

True story.

Jim and Ken are great friends who tell tales of a time I can only imagine.

I took pictures of his 24 nose art and have a pdf of them. You can seem them here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1x6BFTzTy-c6O5Isz7U2wPvHgkaQMoVSw

P.S. Jim did tell me it is possible to fall asleep when flying a Skyraider.
P.S. Jim did tell me it is possible to fall asleep when flying a Skyraider.[/QUOTE said:
I remember hearing a story of a guy going #2 in a skyraider. canopy opened and wing saw crumpled maps flying out. :)
WW II vets

I had the distinct privilege after my multi engine check ride of having a Pacific Theater PT boat mechanic as my co-pilot. He was 78 then and 95 now & still plays golf about 4 times a week down in New Port Richey, FL
Keep on keepin on Joe.