
Well Known Member
Two weeks ago I listened to an EAA webinar on ownership of non-builder owned experimental aircraft. A major portion (it seemed) of the webinar was devoted to the "operating limitations" document pointing out that it is part of the airworthiness document with an originally sign document required to be in the aircraft at all times. Well, it was news to me because when I bought the airplane from the builder almost two years ago that document was not in the aircraft (at least so I thought - I ultimately found it hidden in a pocket I had not noticed before).

Anyway I contacted my local FSDO office in OKC after the webinar and discussed the issue with them. Their resident experimental "expert" called me back two days later. He apologized for not immediately getting back but said he was extremely busy working several tasks and also had to work a fatal GA accident that I had heard about on TV. We discussed my lack of an "originally signed operating limitations document" and he agreed to meet me this week. He sent me two FAA forms to fill out for our meeting and offered to review my logs (but did not require that I bring them in) for correctness since I told him that I was relatively new to aircraft ownership and had a few questions about how to do a correct maintenance log entry.

The FSDO (Todd Evans) answered all my questions, issued me a new special airworthiness certificate, and new operating limits for my geographical area so that if I need to later open a new phase one for a modification I could. We had a real good discussion on aircraft maintenance , proper record keeping, and engine operations to ensure maximum life.

I have followed an earlier thread about the difficulty one builder has had getting a Repaireman's Certificate from his local FSDO. I've also heard horror stories that people have had when they've done business with their local FSDO office. Therefore, I entered this meeting with a lot of trebidation and apprehension. I shouldn't have been concerned.

My experience was absolutely positive! The OKC FSDO is a customer friendly, service oriented office and I especially want to say thanks and let others know that there are good FSDOs who are concerned about promoting safe sky's and good maintenance practices.
That's great to hear - there are, indeed, lots of good FSDO's and FAA inspectors out there, and we need to appreciate them.

The Reno FSDO inspectors have done great for me recently, suggesting ( after they issued the airworthiness for my most recent project), that since I had three repairman' certificates already, maybe I should have an A&P, and they'd sign my paperwork so I could test for it. Good guys!
That's good news, even though I'm at least a few years out from finishing my build. Hope it doesn't change!
I was thinking about all the "shaking up" of government that's taking place right now post-election. It occurred to me that some government agencies work pretty well overall - and I think the FAA is one of them, especially ATC. While I have been very critical of the 3rd class medical, and understand the frustrations many on this forum have had with FSDOs and other petty bureaucratic headaches with the FAA, we are seeing substantial progress in areas like PBOR2/BasicMed (not all we wanted but a step in the right direction) and approval experimental avionics in certified aircraft, and rewrite of part 23.

No real point, just expressing my appreciation for the folks who work for "us" who get it right and make our system safer.
That's great to hear - there are, indeed, lots of good FSDO's and FAA inspectors out there, and we need to appreciate them.

The Reno FSDO inspectors have done great for me recently, suggesting ( after they issued the airworthiness for my most recent project), that since I had three repairman' certificates already, maybe I should have an A&P, and they'd sign my paperwork so I could test for it. Good guys!

I 2nd the Reno FSDO, My 7a airworthiness inspection and repairman's cert issued no problems.