
Looks like this might be the right part of the forum to post discussions about the 2016 OK18 Fly In. Still have a few weeks to go but I thought I would start a thread to judge interest and to also answer any questions that our RV friends might have.

The dates, and some basic information, can be found on the VAF calendar (more info)

OK18 is a 2200' grass strip located in North East Oklahoma on Lake Hudson. The place is located on a peninsula, with a little more than half a mile of shore line. Lots of places to tie down and camp.

The strip is oriented 17/35, with preferred landings to the North and take offs down hill and to the South.

Since weather is such a major factor in a weekend fly in like this, we will not be firming up plans until we get a lot closer to the actual event. In the mean time, I am happy to answer questions or otherwise provide information about the place and what we have in mind for the weekend.

Please let me know, by reply to this post, if you think you are interested in joining us or if you have any questions that I might be able to answer.
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Fish On...

at least the trot line has bait on the hooks. Melissa and I got out this evening and set the trot line. Have had some rain in the area the past few days, and the river is starting to really run. Plans are, if successful with the fishing, we will have a catfish dinner over the Memorial Day Weekend. Working on other food arrangements (at least the main course) for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

We will be getting a registration form out in the next few days, so that we can get an idea of how many guest we can expect.

Will update you on how the fishing goes.

In the meantime, let me know if you have questions.

All the Best,


PS: We caught 9 nice blues and a channel cat a couple of weeks ago on Mother's Day. I'm convinced more every year (coming on 30 now) that I married the right gal - a good Okie.

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Registration is Open

We are quickly closing in on the Memorial Day weekend and its time to get serious about planning. I have updated the calendar event with some more details, including plans for meals, as well as a registration link.

Catfish will be on the menu.

If you are planning to join us at OK18 over the weekend, please complete the Survey/Registration form so that we can be better prepared for our guests.

All the Best,

OK18 Fishing Report (5/22/2016)

Caught 9 more catfish this morning. Looks like we will have plenty for a fish fry, at least for the folks who have registered. If you are planning to come, and haven't yet registered, please do so now by completing the Survey/Registration.

Fishing for perch off the dock and shore line is really good with worms. For those with kids, or anyone who likes to catch perch, you should throw in a fishing pole and a small tackle box.

Oklahoma offers a number of license options for non-residents. You can acquire your license online, or get additional information, from ODWC

While you are there, you should pick up a paddle fish (aka Spoonbill) permit - they are free. I have a couple of big surf rods, and occasionally the spoonbills are just off the shoreline in the main river channel.

Also have a couple of fishing kayaks, that will be available for those so inclined.

All the Best,

Clayton, sounds like a great time! Too bad I can't make it, maybe another date or next year. I love baiting hooks and taking fish off the lines for my girls!
Come Fishing Anytime

Clayton, sounds like a great time! Too bad I can't make it, maybe another date or next year. I love baiting hooks and taking fish off the lines for my girls!

You and your girls are welcome to come in anytime. Looks like you are less than an hour away with your RV. Send me a note when you are ready, and I'll do what I can to have everything ready.

Have a great weekend,

So many places to visit so little time. It is surely within the reach of my aging RV but I already committed to join an international invading force. Nearly the same distance but in opposite direction. Have fun guys post more pictures!
You and your girls are welcome to come in anytime. Looks like you are less than an hour away with your RV. Send me a note when you are ready, and I'll do what I can to have everything ready.

Have a great weekend,


Roger Wilco!
OK18 Runway Condition

Grass is green and the strip is ready for visitors this weekend. Here is a photo I took this evening, facing North, which is the preferred direction for landings:

Landing to the North will bring you in over the water and with a slight uphill grade.

OK18 is 2200 feet long, 50 ft wide, with markers every 200 feet. STRONGLY SUGGEST that if it is your first time in that you make a low pass or possibly two to make a full assessment for yourself.

Here is a shot I took a couple of morning ago, just off the South end of the runway, which is the preferred direction for takeoffs.


Notice the sun rise on the East, which is where we would like to keep the traffic pattern. More options on the East side in the event of a problem (wide open pasture), and only the neighbors cows (who don't complain about noise).
Hard Surface RWY and Courtesy Cars

I spoke with the airport manager at Claremore (KGCM) yesterday, and he said he would have a couple of cars available for those who might want to either land their and travel over, or if you would prefer to sleep in town. He also has some hangar space. Let Eric know you are in for the OK18 weekend, and he will fix you up.

Be sure and check the NOTAMs, as they are in the middle of a lighting upgrade project.

If you go this route, please post to the forum so others might be able to share the ride.

All the Best,
