
Well Known Member
It's not an RV but..

This is my local airport which is largely French speaking. What the kid keeps saying over and over translates to "go upside down, again again etc". Do you think she will become a pilot?
encore! encore! tres bien!

....that giggle is just infectious.

yes....flying IS that much fun!

how soon we forget eh? :)

love the thumbs up! my favourite part!

(and she grabs the tubing like a pro)
That was so fun to watch! Thank you!
I was laughing along with her.
Aerobatics makes me feel the same way.
Ok, it isn't t RV-related so, as a moderator, I'm supposed to delete it.

I'm sorry, DR, I can't do it. I just don't have the heart. That lovely young lady's joyous giggle just completely disarms me. :eek:
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Ok, it isn't t RV-related so, as a moderator, I'm supposed to delete it.

I'm sorry, DR, I just don't have the heart. That lovely you lady's joyous giggle just completely disarms me. :eek:

Sid...I disagree! This is RV related to the extent that this could possibly turn in to a father/daughter RV project someday! If she is this infected with flying at age 4, she will likely want Dad to move up from that Citabria
Thanks for your latitude on this. I saw this video this AM, and it was one of the more enjoyable videos that I have seen in a long time!
No RV, no parachute, no English.

D'avec leurs t?tes!

Just glad I saw it before it gets pulled. There's some passion for flying!
Thank you!

for not deleting. That video was something I just needed today. The little girl looks a little like my youngest grand daughter (who's mom won't let her girls go flying....).
The Best

That video has the potential to grow and save general aviation!

Pure Gold
A laugh is a laugh in any language. It is the best part of the video. Hughes, laughs ,love and support, I'll bet there is a lot of that in their familia.
Thanks for sharing

Before take off, she fidgeted with the buckle on the seatbelt and my initial reaction was, "oh my!"
What a little cutie and Scroll is right. The laugh makes the video.

I remember taking a friend for a ride in the T-28 once. An airplane not known for being particularly quite at high power settings and speeds. Loud enough that I had ANR installed in my helmet and usually also wore foam ear plugs too. Anyway, during the inverted portion of the maneuvers I could hear her laughing over the engine, wind noise, helmet, ANR, ear plugs.
I figure that this site is all about the joy of flying (and building) and if this isn't joy I don't know what is.
Raphael's Daughter

The pilot and father of this beautiful girl is a friend of mine ,Raphael Langumier.

He's the Chief Pilot of a Cargo compagny in CYMX and just enjoy aerobatic.It looks like he succeeded in sharing the joy of it with his daughter Lea.

Parachutes are not mandatory in Canada during Aerobatics with or without passengers.

The video went viral on the net resulting in Raphael giving interview to CBC, CNN and most of the network.

We could make it RV related if I let Raphael fly my -4 with his daughter in the back seat, I'm sure he won't objet to that..:)

Really nice

[email protected]

Favorite mood-lifting video ever. I'm to pretty sure the bundle of laughs in the back seat is saying "Encore. Encore!" repeatedly between her giggles and smiles during the maneuvers.

Seems to be a somewhat universal verbal expression of a child's enjoyment, like the "Again. Again!" we hear 'round here for ground-based play. Very cool.

This pediatrician is still grinning ear to ear. Thanks!! :D
Favorite mood-lifting video ever. I'm to pretty sure the bundle of laughs in the back seat is saying "Encore. Encore!" repeatedly between her giggles and smiles during the maneuvers.

Seems to be a somewhat universal verbal expression of a child's enjoyment, like the "Again. Again!" we hear 'round here for ground-based play. Very cool.

This pediatrician is still grinning ear to ear. Thanks!! :D

Yes she is saying that and "tete a l'enver(se)" (dunno how to spell it) which means "go upside down". Once kids discover something they like that want to do it again and again for hours
I've shared this with a work colleague. We were having an absolutely awful day at work. He called me up and I could hear that girl's giggle in the background. As he said, "You can't possibly be having a bad day when you hear that giggle."

Thanks, Scott, for sharing this great tonic for the soul!