
Well Known Member
I made a big decision today? I am going to build an 8. I have known for a long time that I would be building a Van?s aircraft, and even had it narrowed to the aerobatic tail-dragger versions, but today I know which one. I have been trying to decide between the 7 and the 8 ? going back and forth trying to decide what my mission would be in the future when I own a fast, aerobatic two-seater that I built in my garage. My son should be close to being out of college by then and I will have less pulls on my time ? and can fly more. But today, the airplane angels stepped in and sent some royalty my way for the decision...

I drove over to the local RV mecca airport (52F) this morning to help me decide? The plan is to start in mid-August when my son goes off to college. I had one flight in an RV-7A with Jim Thorne from Chandler, AZ. (another great RV guy, btw) so I thought that I should at least see an 8 in person before deciding/buying a kit and building one. I know some of you have just bought the kit and started building, sight unseen, but sorry, I am way too analytical a person to be comfortable with that.

So, a few minutes after I pulled up outside the Blue hanger caf?, I watched a J-3 cub take off and it brought back the memories of my first solo in a cub ? almost 14 years ago. I thought about the sweet smell that 65 hp Cub makes and how much flying has changed - and how much I have changed, and how my life is different. A little while later that same Cub taxied up for fuel and this nice gentleman jumped out and said, ?Hello? as he walked up to the fuel pump. I commented on his plane and he mentioned that it was ?borrowed? and that he was going to put it back in its? hanger and go get his ?8?. (Wait, did he just say, 8?) BINGO! I thought, as I told him, ?That?s what I really wanted to see?. So I followed him back to the Cub hanger, and then over to where his ?8? was hangered, and then it hit me. When I got out of my car and looked into the hanger - ?WOW??I saw two RV icons - The Big Beautiful Doll, and Flash, and I knew I was in the right place!! As I walked into the hanger, I said, ?You are Danny King, I would know that airplane anywhere!? Danny must get that a lot because he replied with, ?yea, I get that a lot? :D

Anyway, the next hour was spent with me listening to Danny speak with passion about all things RV related (the RV planes AND the RV people) and I started to understand what he meant by all of it. I asked him all sorts of questions and took up waaaay too much of his time, but I really do appreciate it Danny!! The icing on the cake was getting to do a test fitting of the ?Doll?. Danny adjusted the rudder pedals to the ?long? people setting and I was able to sit in the ?Doll? and make airplane noises (under my breath of course). At 6?4? and 250 ? it was comfortable, not expansive, but it fit me ? even with the canopy closed. With that, Danny was off and I shot some video of him bolting off the runway with a Bravo departure to catch a few laps around the pattern. And I thought to myself?Done?decision made?-8 it is.
?And when I did the pretend measurement at home with the wife (comparing the 43? side by side, with the 24? single), she was much more comfortable without me taking up her space. So she is on board with the 8 too. (win-win)

Nothing against the -7? I really like it too ? so no hard feelings from you -7 guys/girls, but like someone else just said, ?It?s a personal decision?
Thanks so much to Danny for all of your time today (It was my fault he was late to see you Marthajane) and Thanks to Doug for this awesome website!

I think you made the right choice. My wife enjoys the back seat. She makes her little "nest" back there and does her counted cross stitch along with helping me navigate as travel. She only flies with me when we travel so the rear seat isn't occupied very much.

You'll get a lot of advice on here, just build what you want to see when you open the hangar door.
<snip> I said, ?You are Danny King, I would know that airplane anywhere!? <snip>

Danny does get that a lot...those are the exact same words I used when I first met him at the Land of Enchantment Fly-In in 2005... :D

Best of luck with your 8!
Congratulations! Despite being a side-by-side owner, I do appreciate the value in both designs. Different missions require different aircraft, and it sounds like you've identified your mission perfectly.
RV 8 AND Panel

Am I to guess that he talked you into the G3X system just like me? He couldn't get me away from the 7 but when you DO GET THE G3X, get it from Stein too. Danny is forcing me to do that as well... :D
Thanks Mannanj!

I think you made the right choice. My wife enjoys the back seat. She makes her little "nest" back there and does her counted cross stitch along with helping me navigate as travel. She only flies with me when we travel so the rear seat isn't occupied very much.

You'll get a lot of advice on here, just build what you want to see when you open the hangar door.

I am glad for the input mannan - My wife really doesn't like to fly with me - it scares her, but so does the "big iron"...just something we have to work thru. She has already said she will sit back there and play solitare on her phone, so at least she is willing to try :)
Thanks so much Guys!!!

Danny does get that a lot...those are the exact same words I used when I first met him at the Land of Enchantment Fly-In in 2005... :D

Best of luck with your 8!

Thanks Michael - I really enjoyed listening to Danny - like I said, he is very passionate about it, as it should be!

Congratulations! Despite being a side-by-side owner, I do appreciate the value in both designs. Different missions require different aircraft, and it sounds like you've identified your mission perfectly.

Snowflake - I reallly like the side by sides - that's why it was so hard to decide! Like you said, different missions and different choices! It's All good!

Great choice and welcome to the -8 club!

Thanks Panhandler - It's good to be part of the club!! :cool:

Am I to guess that he talked you into the G3X system just like me? He couldn't get me away from the 7 but when you DO GET THE G3X, get it from Stein too. Danny is forcing me to do that as well... :D

Subwaybob - HA! - I am already a big believer in Garmin but Danny wasn't taking any chances - he is also passionate about his panel, but it is one sweet set of electronics. Amazing what these things can do these days. A few years from now, Stein will be getting a big chunk of my coin!! :eek:
RV-8 Panel

The beauty of the 8 is that in spite of its smaller panel size relative to side by sides, you can still fit plenty of avionics into it:


I'm happy with the Grand Rapids Efis, and I even have a display in the back seat.


P.S. I'm upgrading to the newer high resolution GRT displays (HS & HX) which still fit nicely.
The beauty of the 8 is that in spite of its smaller panel size relative to side by sides, you can still fit plenty of avionics into it:


I'm happy with the Grand Rapids Efis, and I even have a display in the back seat.


P.S. I'm upgrading to the newer high resolution GRT displays (HS & HX) which still fit nicely.

Nice panel Skylor... You are right - Danny has 2 G3X screens plus the radios, the backups, Garmin 650, AP and more. That also was a turning point - I can fit plenty of electronics on that panel! I really like that black paint on the rollcage...is it visually less obtrusive? I could see the higher contrast being a good thing, but how is flying behind it?
Black Roll Bar

I really like that black paint on the rollcage...is it visually less obtrusive? I could see the higher contrast being a good thing, but how is flying behind it?

Well, I don't have anything to compare it to, but with the black paint I really don't even notice the roll bar in flight. It definitely seems to keep it from being obtrusive.

Hey Jim.....Congratulations! I was in the same quandary.....I haver decided on the 8 as well. I actually bought the preview plans in 2002 but it wasn't in the cards. Now life is more conducive to the project. I am in the process of building a pole barn where the tandem beauty will come to life.....doing all the planning!!!

Awesome......bon chance!!!!
Me too!

Hey Jim.....Congratulations! I was in the same quandary.....I haver decided on the 8 as well. I actually bought the preview plans in 2002 but it wasn't in the cards. Now life is more conducive to the project. I am in the process of building a pole barn where the tandem beauty will come to life.....doing all the planning!!!

Awesome......bon chance!!!!

Skyking - I bought my set in 2003... and here we are. I go to rivet school (EAA sportair) in August and plan to be building right after that! So I have a lot to do before the garage is an airplane factory. We will do this thing together - sort of! Congrats to you as well :)
It would be VERY difficult not to go with an -8 if you were on the fence, then went and talked to Danny. He's a hoot, and VERY biased toward the -8.:D I got his "lecture" about 3 years ago, and if I hadn't already made up my mind on the -7, I'd be building an -8 now.

Your post today influenced me to tell a story about my first RV Experience. It started about 12 plus years ago. Myself and a buddy had a partnership on a PA28/R180. We spent two years on a tip to tail restoration and had a beautiful Arrow but I was never comfortable with the power on those hot summer days. My buddy started talking about a sport plane kit called an RV8 but I had never heard of the airplanes or Vans. We looked at the website and after a little investigation I decided to build an 8. I hangared the Arrow at 52F but at that time there were no RV's on the field at least that I had noticed. I was informed of a fly in in Sulpher Springs Tx and told there would be many RV's to look at. My wife and I loaded the two dogs in the Arrow and headed for the fly in. It was one of those very hot summer days in Texas. After about 30 minutes in the air I started getting a twitch in the amp gauge. Every thing seemed normal but there was a problem. After spending several minutes isolating systems I determined it was then landing gear pump motor causing the problem. Although not aware at the time there was a failure of an o ring that would allow the fluid to bypass and allow the gear doors to sag which then would kick on the motor to retract the gear. This continued to cycle about every 3 seconds. By now I had turned back towards home but became concerned that the gear motor would overheat so I went ahead and put the gear down. It was a 100 plus degree day, the gear is down and I am thirty minutes out flying below gear speed. A little stressed, engine temps ok but elevated. Here is where my story gets very embarrassing and I made a big mistake. Everything went normal but the 30 minutes seemed like hours. I would enter the pattern at 52 f on the 45 and announced my Intentions 10 miles out and then at each segment of the pattern. On short final I catch a yellow flash off to the left as a J3cub turns very short final right in front of me. Here is the very bad decision, I made the decision that I could safely land behind the Cub when the only correct decision was to go around. Fortunately I did perform a short field landing and managed to land behind the Cub safely. But I was really upset at the Cub driver who jumped in in front of me on short final not thinking that there was no radio in the Cub. I quickly put up the Arrow and headed over to talk with the guy in the Cub. *Before arriving I had realized the person at fault was me and an apology was in order. After a brief discussion and shaking hands I noticed this beautiful 8 sitting in the corner of the hangar. Long story short the next Morning I was helping Danny put the prop on a new 8 called Beautiful Doll. *That was my first exposure to the North Texas RV gang and since then I have built many friendships in this great hobby. Over the past 12 years I have built two RV8's and an RV10 and by the way, I am also the proud owner of a J3Cub.

It would be VERY difficult not to go with an -8 if you were on the fence, then went and talked to Danny. He's a hoot, and VERY biased toward the -8.:D I got his "lecture" about 3 years ago, and if I hadn't already made up my mind on the -7, I'd be building an -8 now.

Longranger - you are very right! I knew deep down, I wanted an -8 but kept going back to the sbs because of my wife, perceived panel size, etc. but in the end seeing is believing - but I do like the -7, so good choice! :)

This sounds like some of the "good advice" to me.

That is good advice flyboy8 - so are you going to take the same advice - I see your signature shows you are thinking about the 7,8,9 or 12. Good luck narrowing that down - I am sure you too will make the right choice for you! :D
Thanks for sharing Pat


Your post today influenced me to tell a story about my first RV Experience...., I am also the proud owner of a J3Cub.

It's always amazing to me how God puts different people in our lives... some for a very short time, and some forever, and others, just long enough. I am just starting to meet the great group of RV-ers and I hope I meet many, many more. Almost every day I read a post from someone and I think, "That person is funny" or, "I would like that person" and they go on my list of people I want to meet.

Thanks for sharing about your RV-8 voyage - 2 8's, a 10 and also a Cub! NIIIIIIICEEEE :D
Gr8 Choice...


I think your enthusiasm and avatar is contagious. You have a built-in RV grin! A lot of lurkers are going to get pulled into purchasing a kit because of you. As a matter of fact, you almost have me convinced to list my -8 for sale and to purchase a kit.:eek: It will be enjoyable watching your build progress on this website.

Welcome to the VAF community.
Skyking - I bought my set in 2003... and here we are. I go to rivet school (EAA sportair) in August and plan to be building right after that! So I have a lot to do before the garage is an airplane factory. We will do this thing together - sort of! Congrats to you as well :)

Wow....amazing Jim! You know I went to my Preview Plans.....my Rv8tor mag was the last 2002 edition.....the plans are from 2003....so there you go! My building is set for probably the beginning of 2013....so you will have a good jump start! I may buy the emp kit and get that started in the basement a little earlier....we'll see! Keep me updated...I will be looking forward to the progress!

Yol Bolson!
BTW Jim....I currently come to Ft. Worth to fly.....perhaps after you "git er goin" I can stop by to get a progress check! Anyway....best wishes!
I am still grinnin'


I think your enthusiasm and avatar is contagious. You have a built-in RV grin! A lot of lurkers are going to get pulled into purchasing a kit because of you. As a matter of fact, you almost have me convinced to list my -8 for sale and to purchase a kit.:eek: It will be enjoyable watching your build progress on this website.

Welcome to the VAF community.

So true! You are Too kind Tom! I have been inspired by soooooo many on this site, it would only be fair to pay it forward. I hope I can! :eek:
Bring it Bob!

Wow....amazing Jim! You know I went to my Preview Plans.....my Rv8tor mag was the last 2002 edition.....the plans are from 2003....so there you go! My building is set for probably the beginning of 2013....so you will have a good jump start! I may buy the emp kit and get that started in the basement a little earlier....we'll see! Keep me updated...I will be looking forward to the progress!

Yol Bolson!

BTW Jim....I currently come to Ft. Worth to fly.....perhaps after you "git er goin" I can stop by to get a progress check! Anyway....best wishes!

Would love to have you in the factory Bob, anytime - Hey, you can teach me :D Seriously, we can be accountability partners! Let's do it! Yol Bolson!!

I'm in a similar situation as you are. I decided in Feb that my project would be an -8, and bought a tail kit a month or so later. Moving half way across the world to a new job and new house have kept me frobeginningnconstructionon yet, but I have a target date of August to drive my first rivet. For now, I'm busy setting up the workshopacquiringng the necessary tools and skills. This weekend I built walls in the basement factory, and I'm starting to upgrade the wiring there for the coming tasks.

Keep going Rob!


I'm in a similar situation as you are. I decided in Feb that my project would be an -8, and bought a tail kit a month or so later. Moving half way across the world to a new job and new house have kept me frobeginningnconstructionon yet, but I have a target date of August to drive my first rivet. For now, I'm busy setting up the workshopacquiringng the necessary tools and skills. This weekend I built walls in the basement factory, and I'm starting to upgrade the wiring there for the coming tasks.


Keep going Rob! That's how you eat that elephant...one bite at a time! You have faced the biggest time takers - new job, new house, new location! Way to go! I am inspired - let me know when the first rivet is driven - I will do the Same! Good luck to you and your -8! As SkykingBob says, "Yol Bolson!" (Look it up...it is appropriate!)

I'm in a similar situation as you are. I decided in Feb that my project would be an -8, and bought a tail kit a month or so later. Moving half way across the world to a new job and new house have kept me frobeginningnconstructionon yet, but I have a target date of August to drive my first rivet. For now, I'm busy setting up the workshopacquiringng the necessary tools and skills. This weekend I built walls in the basement factory, and I'm starting to upgrade the wiring there for the coming tasks.


Hey Rob......Congratulations!!! Hey I am just up Rt 17 in Bealeton! After you begin driving rivets a little....would love to come and see your progress. I have a 1400sq/ft basement that I considered using.....but decided on puttin up a pole barn(have too much to store in basement). My reason also has to do with the fact that I use to have my own machine shop a number of years ago and plan on getting a mill, lathe, etc so putting up a barn seems to be the way to go....planning on starting the project later this year or first of next year!

Anyway.....congrats and Yol Bolson!
Ok Jim....you keep me posted on your rivet driving progress....and I will let you know when I am scheduled to come to town.....will keep each other motivated! (All the while keeping my wife motivated also!):D
It's a deal!

Ok Jim....you keep me posted on your rivet driving progress....and I will let you know when I am scheduled to come to town.....will keep each other motivated! (All the while keeping my wife motivated also!):D

Will do Bob. That's a very important part of this process - the "better half". I have discussed with her at length about working on the plane every day and she has decided to paint in the garage with me. (I hope the painting budget doesn't impede the airplane budget :eek:) We talk at length about the long process and she is on board... but I know as the weeks/months/years drag on for her - it will take some "smoothing" on my part and we will reach an equilibrium that works for us both. She is a GREAT woman - my best friend! ;)
With the number of RVs that get started because of DR's website (VAF) and Danny King bending potential builders' ears as they drool over The Doll, I do hope that they get some kind of compensation from Van's. Those two clowns are probably responsible for more RV kits being sold than anyone else. :D
Keep going Rob! That's how you eat that elephant...one bite at a time! You have faced the biggest time takers - new job, new house, new location! Way to go! I am inspired - let me know when the first rivet is driven - I will do the Same! Good luck to you and your -8! As SkykingBob says, "Yol Bolson!" (Look it up...it is appropriate!)


I sure will -- I think I'm going to attend a Sport Air Workshop at AirVenture. I hate to miss a couple days of the show, especially since my attendence has been sporatic the past few years, but it's the best opportunity for me to do so.

I can't wait for that first rivet!

Yol Bolson!
Hey Rob......Congratulations!!! Hey I am just up Rt 17 in Bealeton! After you begin driving rivets a little....would love to come and see your progress. I have a 1400sq/ft basement that I considered using.....but decided on puttin up a pole barn(have too much to store in basement). My reason also has to do with the fact that I use to have my own machine shop a number of years ago and plan on getting a mill, lathe, etc so putting up a barn seems to be the way to go....planning on starting the project later this year or first of next year!

Anyway.....congrats and Yol Bolson!


You're not very far from me. I live behind the Home Depot in Fredericksburg. I'd love to have you over to visit my factory -- although it's still more of a basement than a factory at this point!

Are you a member of EAA 186? I joined 1099 when I moved here this past winter. 1099 meets at Dogwood Airpark (VA42) on the first Tues of the month at 7:00 -- You should come over for a visit. (www.eaa1099.org) There are about 10 RVs in the chapter, and most of them are -8s. Two of the guys there took my wife and I for a ride in their planes when we were deciding. About two minutes into the flight, my wife keyed the mike and informed me we were building an -8!

Yol Bolson!

Or as they'd say in my former home: Ganbatte Kudasai!


You're not very far from me. I live behind the Home Depot in Fredericksburg. I'd love to have you over to visit my factory -- although it's still more of a basement than a factory at this point!

Are you a member of EAA 186? I joined 1099 when I moved here this past winter. 1099 meets at Dogwood Airpark (VA42) on the first Tues of the month at 7:00 -- You should come over for a visit. (www.eaa1099.org) There are about 10 RVs in the chapter, and most of them are -8s. Two of the guys there took my wife and I for a ride in their planes when we were deciding. About two minutes into the flight, my wife keyed the mike and informed me we were building an -8!

Yol Bolson!

Or as they'd say in my former home: Ganbatte Kudasai!



Yes I am in EAA 186. That would be great.....keep me posted on the basement skunk works r & d developments. As I said, it won't be till later when I get mine started...so I suppose I can learn something talking to you! Loved the story of your wife and the RV8 ride!!

My wife and I go to F'burg for shopping on a routine basis.

Thanks for the well wishes....I intend to do my best! Keep me posted!
It will be nice to have a little support group here as we all get started. This is inspiring me to get down to the basement and keep working on the shop!