
Well Known Member
Time to fill us all in on what aviation related gifts you might have recieved!

I picked up a new handheld nav/com radio, about 200 more cleco's, VAF cap and shirt!, and MSFlightSim X...:D
Santa Was Good- Even Though I Had To Help Her

Let's see:

Artex 406 Mhz ELT, Two Comant Bent Whip Com Antennas, Airflow Performance Fuel Injection Fuel Pump Kit, Skybolt Cowling Fastener Kit (took advantage of their sale), and last but not least, a couple of Van's ballcaps to replace my worn out ones.

My significant other (I mean Santa) said that this all comes with a stipulation that I have to get out in the garage and make some regular progress on the Fuselage..... Alright, if you feel you must twist my arm. :rolleyes:

Santa, when are you going to bring me the engine? ;)
Santa brought us the complete Classic Aero Sportsman leather interior package for our RV-7A. Looks like March or April time frame for the first flight. About the only thing that isn't here is the Grand Rapids Sport/HS EFIS. Not Grand Rapids fault, just don't have the money for it yet. Will also get a Trio autopilot after the budget has recovered somewhat.

Steve Eberhart
RV-7A, O-360-A1A, Slider
My toys:

My wife gave me the SPOT satellite personal tracker.

One daughter gave me a net-sharing cam so I can take videos of flying activities like take-offs and landings, etc. (She forgot the memory card so I'll get one tomorrow).

Another daughter gave me a "DO NOT TOW" streamer for my nose gear and an AOPA licanse plate frame for my car.

I'm already driving everybody silly with these.
I got the joy of a beautiful afternoon (CAVU) flight with the wife PIC in my new bird. I couldn't ask for anything more. We hopped over to Brenham and back, just because. It was a ghost town out there.
I got some acid etch and a couple of lbs of alodine powder. Santa does hazmat, who knew??? oh yea he also brought the wife a practice toolbox, and the new vans calander.
Petzl Tikka XP head lamp and Buck's book "Weather Flying".
All appropriate IFR type gifts from my best co-pilot.
My darling paid for the panel built by Aerotronics for my RV-6A. Technically, I received it well before Christmas, but that was the best one I got. You can guess what it cost me in jewelry... ;)
A battery contactor and a 20-place Bussman fuseblock from Mom, and a baggage door holder-opener thing from my sister.

Yes, they got a few hints in advance... ;)

Merry Christmas, everybody!
Flying Lessons!!

A 4 hour block of lessons at the Kansas City Downtown Airport!!

I know that 2008 will be the year that I finally get in the air.

Got some new tools....butane soldering iron (the old one sprung a leak and went up in flames in my hand...), a compact head ratchet drive, a set of ratcheting swivel combination wrenches, spark plug caddy (always wanted one but was going to build it - never did...). Also got a new fuel sampler with a bracket mount so I have a place to put it in the Val without losing it! It's great having a fiance' who knows and understands airplanes and airplane stuff!

A new book on the SR-71 (should be a good read).

Oh, and we got Mikey's engine started today after a month of major panel and electrical upgrades. Most thing s worked, a few didn't' - so I get a gift of troubleshooting to do tomorrow...:rolleyes:

Santa was nice this year.....

RV-10 Wing kit (arrives in about a month)

Daniels AFM8 Crimper

AMP Red Blue T-Head Crimper for PIDG terminals
The coolest gift was from our kids to my wife and I. They got us a gift certificate for dinner at the Warbirds Cafe/Teton Aviation in Driggs, Idaho. Rather than just hand us the gift certificate, they made a brochure describing how the event would unfold, sort of in the style of a prize being described on a game show. Teton Aviation is near and dear to me because beginning 4/3/07 I began commuting there (110 miles one way) to get my PPL. It was the closest place I could find. I didn't finish there, though. After 39 hrs my instuctor bailed on me due to personal scheduling conflict. However, with persistance (and a minor miracle) I took my check ride in early October. I'm not an RV'er, yet. So we'll be flying in a Hawk 172 XP that a local gentleman has for some reason been renting to me. I do plan on an RV in the future but there are not a lot of examples to check out in Pinedale, WY.
Oh, yeah. I also got a QT Halo. But I had a lot of influence on that one.
Ho Ho Ho

Craftsman Cross-Force wratcheting wrenches (these are real, real nice). Rubber interlocking matts for the shop floor (cold and very hard, should be better now). Two Vans T-shirts. EAA Denim shirt. GC for Vans Aircraft (Yay!) Nice safety goggles. A magnetic glove finger as recommended by RVer Glenn Brasch (Thanks Glenn for telling Santa I needed one of these)!

Oh yeah, and I got to fly my brother to his girlfriend's parents on Long Island; landed at Mattituck and looked in all the windows at Teledyne Mattituck. Sorry about the slobber, Mahlon!

Highest Regards,
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Classic gifts

A DC3 inspired tree ornament from my wife (within the low spending limit we set for ourselves), a 1940 illustrated edition of Wind, Sand and Stars by De Saint Exupery from my mom, and a One Six Left DVD from myself on the way from Amazon.

Unfortunately Christmas also brought a project setback in the form of a dented skin that will now have to be replaced. Despite what I thought was adequate planning, moving the fuselage should not be undertaken alone, even with stands on casters! :(
Good Santa

I got an RV-7A tail kit and an Ishams Planetools Toolkit from myself.
Got various other tools from friends and family.
Time to get to work (play).
Sarah had purchased the top box of a ball-bearing tool chest from Lowe's, but it wasn't exactly what I wast looking for, so we went to see what else they had. I ended up buying the 5-drawer stainless steel ball-bearing top box, and the 6-drawer bottom/roller box, because it was on sale for $608 minus 20% off, from it's normal price of $648, *and* it came with an extra, free 3-drawer top box. The funny part is this part, as I pricematched the heck out of it!

$608 On Sale
20% Off
$518 (Somehow, oh well)
20% Home Depot Coupon From eBay, Which Lowe's Will Match
Return Extra Top Box For $130 Right Away
$284 + Tax

Not bad for a full rolling, 11 drawer ball-bearing tool cabinet with onboard power!

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No engine this year

I got stiffed. Ha, not really but i was hopeing Santa would have a shiny 10-320 for me. Hmm not this year. Had to settle for a kitplane subscription, a west fiberglass kit, a few good dvd's (12oclock high, tora tora and a few others recommended here) and a few little odds and ends and gift cert for rental of a spam can. But, all are happy and healthy...what more does one need. All the best
Those that have taken one of Van?s demo rides at Oshkosh may remember the small paper ticket they received when they signed up early that first morning at the tent. My wife took my ticket and mounted it in a nice shadowbox picture frame for my desk. She wanted to include a picture of the plane but didn?t know which picture of the many I have was the actual aircraft. My Mom got me a set of RV-8 preview plans and threw in a little extra money ?just in case?.
I got my 8 year old son & I a pair of Van's practice kits. One for each of us so we can work on them in parallel. Quality time now, perhaps a building partner later...
Oh Boy!!

Best X-mas yet.Got a certificate for 5 hours intruction towards my P.P.L. in a spamcan out of Sierra Aviation from my wife! My airplane partner got me a Van's calender! And then my wife ALSO got me an hour in an AT-6 Texan that we are, apparently,going to do some aerobatics in.I will post pictures of the ride in the Texan afterwards.My first flight ever in a RADIAL!! WooooooHooo!!!
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Florida Transitional Training

I am writing this from the Orlando Airport on my way back home (Milwaukee) from Transitional Training with Jan Bussell. Thanks Jan!! It was one of the better descisions I've made throughout the build. I took advantage of a visit to inlaws in Melbourne, Fl to get down to Jan's for Training. Thanks to my Wife Sherri for the gift of not only the training but releasing me from all the fun with the inlaws.

Richard Glick
Slinger, WI
My wife gave me 3 hours of C-172 rental time for Christmas, and then my real present (to myself!) showed up this afternoon - my tail kit arrived!
Kohler, smart move!

...buying practice kits for you and your son. I wasn't aware of RVs until about a year ago. I don't think we could build one while my 16 yr old son is still home so we're looking at buying someone else's.
Christmas present

My daughter gave me a check for $250.00 to buy "airplane pieces". I just so happen to have airplane pieces on order in the form of a 7 wing kit.

Dave Nellis

Well, Santa brought me a new handheld comm, and it is really cool. But the best present came as a compliment from a neighbor. When my new neighbor first saw the "thing" being constructed in my garage, he was beget with fear for my life, Saying he would never, ever get in something like that and just "fly around". Now, I've heard this before, and understand that some folks aren't going to embrace aviation, Experimental, or any other kind, under any circumstances. I respect this. But through the whole process, he kept checking the progress, and started to show lots of interest in all of the many details that go into building an airplane. The fact that it had an autopilot blew him away. Seeing the Dynons alit was a benchmark too. As construction continued to the finishing stage, and it kinda became an airplane, he was notably impressed. Sort of like a car wreck...You just have to look. Well, this holiday brought renewed confidence, as my neighbor declared that he sure would like to take a ride with me someday.
As most of us know, getting a chance to share the magic of flight, and a view of the world below us, with a person who has never really seen or felt it, is what it's all about.

Great Holidays to all...Chris

.......for aviation, you are, Chris. I agree......once you win them over, you have a friend for life.

Great job,


I got a Gramin 496 for Christmas, actually a little before Christmas. It is the first of the avionics that will go in the plane. I'll use it in rentals until my 9A is ready.

On Christmas day I got to show my project off to a bunch of family who hadn't seen it in before at all, or not since last year. Now the wings are in the cradle and the fuselage looks like something, they were impressed. Some of them anyway, others looked at me like I have two heads.:eek: The best one was my brother-in-law who sells paint for BASF and know a lot about painting. He volunteered to help me paint the 9A and I think I can get a deal on the paint.

It was a great Christmas.
Santa was good

Got an aviation survival knife with a plexi breaking point, and a set of 24 DVDs on aviation history that includes the original Memphis Bell and Thunderbolt. I suppose that's going to conflict with my wife indulgance in Rock Band!
What Santa brought

Well I got the Van's cowl plug for my 9A. A Cessna 140 tree ornament and a $50 gift certificate to spend at Home Depot's aviation department.
I got some $$$ to attend a formation clinic (THANKS BABE!) and a Unicycle to use as hanger to hanger transportation. I guess my wife doesn't want me to grow up eigher:)
No aviation related gifts for me...

My wife said that, since I ordered a finish kit for the RV-7 only a few weeks ago, she didn't get me anything special for Christmas.


I've been such a bad boy, just flying around having fun and not getting my chores done that Santa brought me a big load of coal. Now the house is hot as ****. There is a method to my madness. ;)

My darling wife, (co-Pilot) got me a new 3 section large Tool Box and work bench, a Koger Sunshade that I can't wait to install. A Garmin 396 Ram mount.

I learned to email her the links for the things I want and voila the show up on Christmas day in a box with my name on them.

Tad "Stripes" Sargent
:eek: no airplane parts under the tree. but to be honest, we have nothing under our tree. We decided after the kids moved out, NO presents for the adults, although we usually get the grandkids something small and/or educational.

All year is christmas, as our money goes to airpark property, school payments and then RV stuff...yes in that order:(
Wood & Screws

...for my workbenches that I will be putting together over the next few days. I also got a cool RV-8 coffee mug and tool box practice kit to go with the p-plans. My 14-yr-old son expressed sincere interest in helping me on this project...I was floored...and thrilled at the same time.:eek: That's the real Christmas gift to me this year. Wish I could have started long before my two oldest sons left home to become Marines.:(
I got a GREAT Blanket

My lovely wife got me a custom made blanket that has pictures covering it, the pictures are printed right on the quilt. The pics are everything from construction pics to pitures of our flying trips and pictures of the P-51 "queenie" will be painted after it was with out a doubt the coolest gift I ever recieved:D
More tools!!

I ordered a number of tools from Avery Tools. They had a big sale going on through the end of the year and I needed a number of things for the wings(slow build)..... one of those fancy roloflex tube flaring tools(for the fuel lines), a bunch more 3/32 clecoes, one of those double offset rivet sets( for riveting the outboard leading edge to the main spar) and some wing and tank related dimple die sets.

....also received a new digital camera from my kids. The first thought here was the ability to be able to take pics of the build progress without having to ask to use the "family" camera (this makes it aviation or RV related). I also received a nice new "Columbia" winter jacket ( which means I can comfortably go spend time in the hangar in the winter months......and this makes it aviation related...I think!)
Great little stuff

Van's shirt from my sister-in-law. C-clamps and rivet holders (Craftsman)from Santa.

RV-9A Empenage done (except glass)
Wings ordered
It's a little post-Christmas, but my darling wife has just told me that she will pay for my firewall-forward kit, engine, and prop. Happy New Year, indeed!
Guess the one thing I got under the tree was a DeWalt DW849 polisher. Want to keep my bird looking as good as it did the day it came out of Bobby Potts' shop in Tuscaloosa.


I also had on my Christmas list a C/S prop and the carpeting from Classic Aero. Wife gave me the go-ahead so the conversion to a real prop may be on the horizon shortly!!

This was the year of the hat. After mentioning that my born and raised mount from the southwest was a bit cold in a Michigan winter I opened an Elmer Fudd style hat ( very warm not style sensitive);). Then opened the "monkey pilot" hat ( they make these things? best be warn when feeling really confident). Finally opened a very retro and appropriate for my 32 year old mount, an insulated leather flight helmet. You Texas guys can't appreciate such comfort. :rolleyes:The fuel flow, well that was a gift to myself.;)