
Well Known Member
But please don't hold that against me. I checked today and found C-FDTQ had received an Outstanding Workmanship Kitbuilt award at Oshkosh. It is under my son Thomas Enns's name for now since he was the PIC into Oshkosh and registered us. He helped on our build since he was a teen and it could not have been completed without him and help received from VAF.
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Others seem to be able to see the picture but I can't. Don't know why that would be ...
I used to use Photobucket until they wanted big bucks for 3rd party sharing. OP was with Google Photos. I see now that the image appears on my Mac but not on my iPad or iPhone. I'll try & figure out another image host and amend the OP with it.

Change permissions on the photo or album - then go the the OP, edit and replace the photo address. I think the permissions get coded with the photo.
Thanks Bill. Did what you suggested. Photo appears as a link now. If anyone still can't see it let me know.
Here you go:
Congrats! Your entire family should be proud!

That's a great paint scheme as well, really like it!
Yep. 100% DIY including paint. Son Tom did the scheme on the computer then challenged me to put it on the plane.
The 8 without the airscoop under the nose is so clean, and your paint scheme complements the lines nicely. Great job!