... Vans can have my wallet ... and my soul.

New guy here. I finally decided that I have an RV8 in my future.

I have been thinking about building my own plane since I learned how to fly ... 3 years ago. I tried to find any excuse not to do it ... and tried to convince myself I would only waste my time.

But what does it mean if I dream of building a plane almost every night? and it's always an RV8? what does it mean if before falling asleep I see myself riveting wing skins?

It means I am obsessed, that's what it means. It's the same obsession I had when I learned how to fly ... I HAD to do it and there was gonna be nothing stopping me.

I even tried to look into OTHER kits, because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to build a metal plane ... I was thinking that the RV8 would be too much for me.

But it's the RV8 I always wanted. The RV8 and nothing else. Might just as well admit it, surrender to it and go with it.

I ordered and received the plans (for the RV8).

They look scary but I already knew that. I don't understand 1/5th of the stuff in them and somehow it just tells you where the pieces go ... not HOW you are supposed to slap them togheter.

Then again, I know diddly squat about riveting and about 90 of the "bonding" in metal planes is done with rivets.

I really need to practice some riveting on my own.

This was the first step.

the second step: build a garage in my backyard. Ironically this will make my wife VERY happy (she wants the garage so that I can take the tools out of the basement and she can have the basement all to herself).

This is the second step. I am planning to have the garage done in my backyard by the end of the summer ... and order the first piece of the kit for my birthday in September.

That's the plan at least ... you know what they say about the best laid plans ... but like it or not ... I'm in.

Anyway ... just thought I would stop by and say hello ... since I think you'd be seeing more of me in the future ...

I know where you can learn to buck rivets. The course is all summer long. It is about a 40 minute or so drive from where you live. Tuition is Cheep.

Greg Piney
RV-8 2547
Empennage Inventoried
What!!! You're making lists and you dream about your plane as you go to sleep at night?!

I have been doing that for over 3 years now and the plane will finally be finished by soon.

Obsession and determination will get you through.
You're off to a great start!

gpiney said:

I know where you can learn to buck rivets. The course is all summer long. It is about a 40 minute or so drive from where you live. Tuition is Cheep.

Greg Piney
RV-8 2547
Empennage Inventoried

I was hoping you'd say that Greg. :D
Hey Marco

I was in the same boat. I knew diddly about building airplanes, and even less about the electrical side of it.

Just keep plugging away at it a bit at a time, and pretty soon you'll go the parts shelf and there won't be anything left. I'm not kidding, that is exactly what happened to me.

All of the work is WAAYYY more than worth it. Trust me, you are going to have so much fun it should be illegal ;-)

Still happy after all these years...

Welcome Marco,

I've gone flying in my RV-6 so many times I can hardly remember...each morning before work yesterday and today as a matter of fact. Maybe tomorrow, too <g>.

This morning right as the sun came up there was a little thin layer of barely visible cloud at 1800' - maybe ten feet thick. I just played in there with the sun resting right on the edge. The lighting was really something special, and I couldn't even begin to describe how pretty it was. It was over in about three minutes and I never would have seen it without my RV 'fighter'.

After all these flights each one is still special and gives me some small memory that I tuck away - something that makes me smile when I think back on it.

Welcome to the affliction. You're in good company.

Thanks guys!

I am not really worried about how long it will take me. The longer the better. I am in fact looking forward to the building process ... more than the flying part.

I already own a plane and I am pretty happy with it. I got a pair of wings and the only reason I want to build a plane is because I want to ... build it.

I am not specifically looking forward to get a plane out of this (even if it will happen in the end), I am looking forward to the building process.

I fly but understand NOTHING about the plane I fly. It's a black box. When it breaks I tell my A&P to fix it and he does. For some reason this bothers the hell out of me.

How are break lines built? How is a firewall set up? How do you drill a hole through it and still keep it safe? How do you rivet skins on the wings? how do you link up the ailerons? How the heck are the static lines set up so that they plug into the AI and DG?

My plane could stop working at any time and I would have no clue as to why.

Since my life and my wife's life depend on it ... this "black box" stuff really makes me nervous.

Building my own plane on the other hand ... well that's not a black box anymore, is it?

And oh yes, I gain a 200mph P-51 look alike that can do loops and fly me to Florida in 4 hours at the end of all this.


Plus it will help me get the experience I need to work my way towards my own A&P license.