
Well Known Member
Chad busted me pretty quick when I changed my signature tonight so here goes.

I flew out late last week to LAX and bought a flying RV6A in California and Rosie and I flew it back to IL.

I had to get out at Salt Lake and fly home commercial but Rosie brought her home Saturday.

She's a beauty and she flies wonderful, thanks Bill.

I hope I never get this grin off my face.
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Dude, what, no pix? Congratulations - you have several weeks to log some hours and share some stories at Osh (BTW, you taking it there?)
See you at the Otter... .
new plane

I won't try bringing it to OSH this year. Too soon.


Thanks all.

I'm jazzed about it.
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Here you go Jim, compliments of Chad!


Very sweet looking bird! We need pics of the engine, interior and panel!

To post a pic, you must upload it to some site that will host it for you. Many of these are free. I use www.photobucket.com. Go to that site and get a free account and then upload the pic. Once the pic is uploaded, there will be some links under it. Click in the field that says "direct link" it will automatically copy this link to your clip board.

Then come back here and do this:

And whala, you will have a pic in your post.

This works for just about any image that is hosted somewhere on the web.
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Hey Jim,

That's great news buddy, and you owe me a ride. ;) I noticed your signature also but got caught up in the titles. I was thinking to myself that you have a COO title, and that you should add Mayor, and for the future it might look good to see GOV on there too.

I hope you have many years of fun with your new plane. See you at LOE?

But...Gee is that a C/S prop on a Prop extension?

Oh my your gonna die!

Just kidding I have a James cowl and a 2.25" extension with a Hartzell BA prop and do acro all the time...+5 and -2.3G are the max and min I have set.

Very nice looking bird, I love the sleek lines of the cowl.


Brian, ixnay on the eytleshey.

Make that currently COO, ex Mayor, don't want Gov. I'm retired from that stuff, cuts into flying time too much. (Now that I have a plane I can use that one:D)

Sam James cowl with heat door and wheel pants too.

Lots of goodies and she sure is sweet.

Mel was the DAR according to the paperwork. Thanks Mel!

Going to OSH Weds to Sat. Forgot about LOE.

Yep, C/S prop. Hauls the mail too!

Hushmat quiet and heated seats for the bride.

It's got almost as many goodies as Dougie's Flash.
Great minds think Alike!

Did the same - purchased flying 6A from CA
Still grinning :D
Also going to OSH Wed through SAT
Your bird looks real fast!
See you all there...
More complements of Chad!

Great looking interior and a great panel as well!


Did it come with 2 grand worth of headsets?

I think this was Vince Kuhn's (or Koehn's?) airplane? The reason I know is because it was one of the first ones I saved to my big file folder of RV exteriors and interiors because I planned on copying parts of it. The neat, simple, uncluttered panel was a model for mine and the vinyl over plain white is still high on my list of probable paint schemes. Vince was nice enough to provide the details a couple years ago when I inquired about the above.
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Nice plane Jim

Well it's about time.... Congrats and it looks like a hot rod for sure. Looks like I'll be the slow one to the Caymans next year....You WILL be taking it there, right?

I need some info on the Hushmat. I am assuming that is what's on the floor? I'm always looking for ways to quite the plane down. Any details would be great.

Deb and I will be at Osh. Plan is to get there Sunday with the Ziliks and camp at HBC. Hopefully Bryan and Sherri will make it also?!!

Alpine called it on the builder, Vincent Koehn, havent met him but he did nice work.

Scott the hushmat appears to be the entire cockpit and it is really quiet with the Bose headsets that DID come with it. It came just as pictured.

It is based at 10C Galt/Greenwood which is about an hour flying time almost true 180 south of OSH. Cheap gas, coolest FBO, nice folks and now "my plane" - still getting used to that - I like how that sounds!

I hope to get enough hours between now and the Caymans Scott but only if I do by then. The plane will make it if I am ready, it sure is.

Scott let me know if you guys are coming this way before or after the show.

As for speed Rosie can confirm I think it hit 215 on the East leg?

From Rosie: Yup, 195-215 KTS groundspeed all the way from Rawlings, Wyoming! This plane was a JOY to fly; CONGRATS to Jim & Cathy Pappas!!!
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This was Vince Kohen plane before I purchased it from Vince last year and is still a beauty, take good care of her, she'll do you no wrong, she always took care of my wife and I on long cross country trip and brought us home safetly.
Talked to rosie when he got back to CA. and yes he had 215 G.P. on the GPS.
I'm now the new owner of Rick Grays RV-10 OSH 2007 award winner N410RG and I'll be picking it up about 2 weeks from TEXAS. I think Rosie might be going with me to fly her back to Southern Ca.
Take Care and Fly safetly

Bill Souza
Accurate Machine Company
Member Southern CA. RV Group
You got a Good One


Yes that was Vince Koehn's plane. The pictures in the hanger are in Montezuma, KS. The only problem is my Beech Mouse did not get in the picture;). This was a no expense spared RV. The care it received was very meticulus (misspelled, but read over the top). Any wear on the paint was likely from Vince waxing it after every flight. I only got to make one short trip in 819VK, but it is a sweet ride. By the way no one mentioned the Heated Seats:cool:. Plane has been to Osh a few times.

Enjoy, you got a great one:D

Shannon Evans
Congrats on the purchase Jim! You know I do miss the airplane and have kicked myself a few times on selling it. I seen some record speeds in that airplane. I have a pic of my 396 showing 297 GS coming back from Las Vegas in that airplane.
If you are ever out by Dodge City, KS stop in and give me a call, I will take you to lunch.
Be sure and keep N819VK away from Columbias (Cessnas), she got traded for.... see below. RV's get offended real easily.

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You did an awesome job building her and while you may be sorry you sold her I for one am extremely glad.

I may just stop by sometime, I have a daughter stationed in KS.
What is the total time on the airplane by now?

From Rosie: 548 Hobbs, 466 Tach on 6/1/2010....
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Add one more to the congrats!

Way to go, Jim. It will be great to have you off our wing on the way to the Caymans. But you'll want to go with the front group, you know, the fast ones.(Scott, I think I'll still be the slow one). See you at OSH.
Congratulations on the purchase. I remember the airplane. Vince did a fantastic job.
I just looked through my file on the initial inspection.
I found a lot of bad discrepancies like no safety wire on the brake calipers, fuel "type" missing at the fillers, Passenger Warning placard missing. Some really bad stuff.
Fortunately, he had them all taken care of by the time I finished the inspection.
Seriously, it's a pleasure to inspect an airplane so meticulously done.