
Well Known Member
Hi all,

I haven't been to Oshkosh in quite a few years, and this year is the 'big push' to complete my ordering of bits and pieces. Since I am driving down to Oshkosh, I am naively hoping to buy, (and carry) items on my shopping list home with me.
FWF items, avionics, instruments, connectors, switches, etc etc.

How realistic is this? I realize some of the bigger ticket items will have to be ordered later, but I am hoping to get a lot of my list ticked off that week.

You betcha. You can buy just about anything there. You can also place your order with "insert vendor here" and pick it up at the show. There are many vendors that bring huge inventories so you can "cash & carry". Pacific Coast, Aircraft Spruce, just to name two.
If you purchase items at OSH, you get whacked with the WI sales tax on the spot. Also, you may find that vendors don't have the high-end items on-hand.
If you purchase items at OSH, you get whacked with the WI sales tax on the spot. Also, you may find that vendors don't have the high-end items on-hand.

Well, thats certainly something to consider. 5% will pay a lot of shipping. I will still have to pay our cross the border 13% when I bring it home....:eek:
no need to carry

Most vendors will let you buy at the "show price" and they will ship the item to your home. That's probably better than walking around all day with a $12,000 avionics box under your arm.
How much money?

How much money do want to spend? Other than big ticket items you can probably get anything you need. Some may even have those.

Just let us know where you are going to park:D
How much money do want to spend? Other than big ticket items you can probably get anything you need. Some may even have those.

Just let us know where you are going to park:D

14th and will recognize it by the 5 guys standing around with earpieces and sunglasses
Most vendors will let you buy at the "show price" and they will ship the item to your home.

Found out that there will be no 'Show Special' on P-Mags. Was gonna buy one. Oh well.... FWIW I am a member of the CSOB Club and try like h*** to keep from buying anything at list....
As someone who spent about $2K on his first OSH picking up "bits and pieces" (all useful and I was happy I bought!), one thing I found useful was to have a very complete list of what I was looking for - and what I could get it for through non-OSH channels. Kept the impulse buying down....
