
I'm New Here
I have an IO360-A1B6, 200hp in my RV 7 using the James Aircraft cowling and pressure plenum. With 7 hrs on the machine I am still seeing oil tems around 220 F. Also the #1 cylinder is running hotter than the others , about 380+ compared to 330 average. Any suggestions? I am using a aero classic oil cooler # 8000075 and have the intercylinder baffels installed.
number 1 cylinder

The front right Cylinder is running the hottest? That is typically the coolest cylinder. If it is the front right cylinder I am baffled. (oh bad pun) :eek:

Call Pacific oil coolers (800-866-7335) and get advice on a new cooler.

I find Stewart Warner (south winds) is still the most efficent (and expensive). I am curious, how is your cooler mounted, on the back of the baffle behind cylinder #4 or remote mounted?

A lot of builder find this engine a little challenge to cool, and we are in the middle of record high temps this summer. Your 330F CHT with #1 at 380 is not bad but is odd it is the #1 and not #3 or #4. 220F on the oil temp is too high. I think if you installation is cool (another bad pun :) ) than a S&W oil cooler can bring temps down 20F.

Cheers George
Oil temp issues

Yes it is number 1 cylinder. I re- calibrated the timing on my lightspeed ignition and looked for anything obvious in the baffels (none found) . Timing was a bit off and it ran better after but #1 is still high. Still less than 10 hrs on engine so will fly it a bit more. Thanks for info on coolers will look at oshkosh. My oil cooler is on the back of #4 cylinder baffel. Ran last afternoon for .75 of hr and came in with oil temp around 214.
Stewart Warner

As suggested earlier, call Pacific but go straight to the stewart warner cooler. For some reason they suggested the AeroClassic 9 row would probably cool the a1b6. I wasn't satisfied with it. I flew it for almost a year and changed it out for the Stewart Warner 9 row before summer this year.

The AeroClassic was better but you still had to pay close attention to climb in 85+ temps. I don't know if the SW actually dropped mine 20 degrees but it is definitely better.

Your temps will get better if 1) you're breaking in a new engine and 2) after you put gear leg fairings on (more speed for the same amount of power = more airflow across the oil cooler at any given power setting).

N277DL 7A ~260hrs

btw: Aerosport just informed me that my IO360-A1B6 will have to be pulled for the lycoming ad on the crank. You may want to check the serial number on your crank as some of the weighted crankshafts are affected.
Some pictures of oil cooler installations

To increase the flow thru the cooler, moving it back from the #4 jug increases flow; a few ideas:

I am not a fan of direct baffle mounting of the OC but if you do it this way a small box or plenum seems to increase flow & angled is even better: (click to enlarge)

I like the idea of having the cooler isolated from vibration; here are two ideas:

OR(click to enlarge)

(Note: Van's OC firewall kit is not sized well and has poor details (sharp corners) to work well in my opinon.
The SCAT should be 4" in Dia.)
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oil temp issues

Thanks for the inputs today, I leave for Oshkosh on Wed so will have a chance to talk to the guys at Pacific oil coolers one on one. Seems to be others are suggesting the SW cooler, sounds good. Today flights were for 2 hours at 21 X 24 , 160 mph , outside air at 90 and oil temp at 215 . Engine still breaking in with only 10 hrs now.
Oil Coolers

I'm at that point of needing an oil cooler. Pacific is at Oshkosh and I talked with them. They recommended the Stewart Warner 8432R. This is double pass cooler that they said will handle the AZ heat.

I plan to firewall mount. Does anyone know of a source for a plenum for the cooler?

Darwin N. Barrie
Chandler AZ