
Lycoming io 360 in a RV 6.

Where is the cheapest online/mail-order supplier of aviation oil? is $49 + shipping for a case of aeroshell 100Plus. Last time i got 2 cases and shipping was $19. It arrives at my desk and I don't have to go out driving.

Anyone with a better suggestion?
Oil Prices

I recently bought two cases in Florida at 60.69 a case after tax. Looks like you are 2.19/case better.
(Prices vary, dealer prep not included, past performance is no indication of future earnings, blah, blah, yada, yada)., they're prices are better than any local distributor I've found, including shipping.

I really goofed 4-5 years back when I was contemplating buying a 55 gal. drum of 100Wplus.

When Shell narrowed down the oil the list of distributors, as expected the remaining ones raised their prices.
...depending on what brand, EliteEtc. in Florida? just couldn't be beat from my point of view.
A case of Exxon semi-synth. 20W-50 for $75, free shipping 3000 miles to my border UPS depot!....and $10 off during Oshkosh!
(.okay, I feel a little guilty about the carbon footprint of shipping it so far.) BUT...
My nearest Canadian - Esso/AViat dealer wanted $140 a case, and I had to pay $50 to ship, or drive 5 hours each way to get it. WILL I choose??????
Definitely would fly to go get your oil.
Beats driving - no tickets.

In an RV you almost get as good of gas mileage.
Use the guys from Mars

Purvis Brothers (These guys are from Mars, no really they are from Mars, Pennsylvania... with a Yahoo Storefront) 56.29/case last time I ordered 10 cases from them (I'm the maint guy for a flying club) or 4.69/qt + 99.20 shipping = 5.52/qt
The oil guys were running specials at Osh so I loaded up on 15 gallons of Phillips X/C. That should carry me through next year!