Filled up N562E for the first time about three weeks ago with AeroShell Sport Plus 4. With purging the lubrication system in accordance with Rotax Service Instruction SI-912-018/914-020, the system took between 3.5 and 4.0 quarts to fill.

This is for the Rotax 912 ULS standard installation in an RV-12.
Ummm . . . I bought a case of it from Aircraft Spruce and assumed they were quart bottles :eek: (I hate using that word - assumed). Will check tonight when I get out to the hangar.

What you bought from Aircraft Spruce was liters. The first fill should take about 3.5 if you didn't pre-fill the cooler and filter (ask me how I know). Oil changes run about 3 liters.

Wayne 143WM
Yup, it was litres alright. So I guess the correct answer for N562E is:

(3.5 to 4.0 litres) x (1.056688 quarts/litre) = 3.698409 to 4.226753 quarts

Of course, these figures could change depending on how long you leave each empty litre bottle inverted over the oil tank to drain out the last drop.
Just bought a case of 12 ( 1 litre bottles) from a supplier for $106 including freight. Best price I've seen thus far. Spruce gets over a buck and a half for the same case. Thanks to Billy Waters who told me about
Dick Seiders
Not bad

I just got a case of the Sport 4 from a local Shell distributor who sells all kinds of Aeroshell produces and walked out with a $103 charge. OUCH!
$3 more to have it shipped to the house is better. Traffic was terrible.:eek:
Buy 3 cases at OSH and get a free ride to your plane in an ATV. :D

Every year I buy 6 - 9 cases of oil 3 at a time so I can get a free ride back to the plane at the end of the day. ;)