Sunriver Ken

Well Known Member
I have a Superior XP360 B1A2 in my 9A. I try to log the engine oil level before each flight. It is not too hard estimating between the 6 and 7 quart markings but it does get tough estimating between 4 and 6. Anyone know if the oil level is linear between 4 and 6 quarts? I was thinking of adding a mark to the dipstick halfway between the 4 and the 6.

I know I could drain my oil and track the level vs. actual at each quart but I don't need to change my oil for another 20 hours.
Superior would know, and they are back in business. BTW, my dipstick is marked at 4, 6, and 8 quarts and I've never gotten below 6.
Lycoming has several dipstick part numbers.

Aren't the markings affected by the angle of the engine in either a tail dragger or nose wheel?

Aren't the markings affected by the angle of the engine in either a tail dragger or nose wheel?

Yep. Many float planes have numbers on one side of the dip stick for wheels and two big "X" marks on the other side for when it's on floats. The X marks are the upper and lower limits.