chris mitchell

Well Known Member
For anyone still building an RV-4 be warned.

I had planned to mount my oil cooler on the back of the baffles, as I had done on my RV-8, and as the drawings in OP44 show. However, if you are using the standard Vans EA oil cooler - IT WON'T FIT! There is insufficient room beneath the top cowl.

So your choices will be either to mount the cooler on the firewall, to hang it off the engine mount behind the engine, or to construct some ducting so that the cooler can recline at an angle of about30 degrees behind the left rear baffles - which will lower it sufficiently to give the clearance below the cowling that you will need.

I tried it on the engine mount and might have been able to make this work but found that I was not able to insert the left-side piano wire pin that holds the left side of the bottom cowling. Just couldn't reach it properly. My firewall was already fully occupied and also that position would have required a bit of ducting.

So I have settled on constructing a shroud built off the left rear baffles to get the cooler into a more relaxed posture. Some kind flok already sent me some pictures so I know what I will need to do. I will follow up with more details plus some drawings and photos as this bit of the project progresses.

Mine........ Attached to the engine mount with braces I welded up. Works fact, too well! I have to block the intake even in the Summer. The outflow gate, controlled from the cockpit, also helps. These pictures have been posted before. And, yes, the nylon locknuts have been replaced with steel ones.... :giggle:


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