
I am having trouble figuring out how to mount the oil cooler high enough on the aft left baffle. We have the Van's purchased angle valve io-360, and are using the stock Vans baffle kit (which I believe is actually made for the RV-8). Without trimming the baffle yet, the highest I can mount the baffle is so that the outer left corner of the oil cooler flange is flush with the top of the baffling corner (i.e. the top of the aft side baffle flange). This however makes it only possible to attach the upper most of the inboard mounting bolts on the oil cooler. The middle hole is too low - it is about a half inch below where it would hit the cooling fins of the aft left cylinder. Anybody else have this problem, and if so do you have any pictures of how you mounted your oil cooler?
I have the parallel valve io-360 on an RV-8 but I believe this is a common problem.




To save time, I've just included some links to photos on my website.

Essentially, just do what you need to make it work. You will want to strengthen this area. I probably overshot a bit, but it's very solid, and cools well. The small gap between the cylinder and oil cooler allows air to flow all over the fins of both.

My cooling is excellent in summer, and too much in winter.

Just watch to make sure you have clearance between the cooler/oil hoses and the engine mount. And clearance with the cowl.

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If there is any way, install the cooler on the firewall… baffles don’t like oil coolers.
RV-7 Angle valve with 8 row oil cooler on baffle. I’ve sandwiched in a sheet of steel plate from HD aviation aisle and an extra steel brace at the corner of the left and rear baffles. The supporting rod goes from the baffle attach bolt to the case for additional support. Flying with this setup for 8 years with no issues. Oil temps run 185-195 in south Texas.


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Seriously consider off-engine oil cooler mount.

Ed, I built a -7 with parallel valve (IO360M1B ) and baffle mounted (7 row stock) cooler, but if I were doing this again with an angle valve would definitely install a remote (firewall) cooler and use a butterfly valve for air control. This angle valve uses oil cooling jets for the underside of the pistons and will require a larger oil cooler. There is no easy way for reducing air flow for winter ops, and - - if you use electronic ignition (with timing advance) the oil temp HX will be increased over stock.

Additionally, the vibration is stressful on the mount parts hanging off the head. That is a beautifully built cooler mount above, but you may not have the room with the -7 mounts.

The RV-14 has an off-engine oil cooler mount design with butterfly air control (blocking) valve. Vans must view it as an improvement. IMO it is a better design with more options and fewer compromises.
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Angle valve with 9 row oil cooler on baffle. I’ve sandwiched in a sheet of steel plate from HD aviation aisle and an extra steel brace at the corner of the left and rear baffles. The supporting rod goes from the baffle attach bolt to the case for additional support. Flying with this setup for 8 years with no issues. Oil temps run 185-195 in south Texas.

A dual pass 8432R, Nice setup.

I tried to do this with my angle valve and an 8406R, but cracking and generally unacceptable oil temps caused me to rethink. I went with a firewall mounted 10599R. In further hindsight, I should have gone with the 10610R and the inline valve affair.
With few exceptions that I'm aware of, angle valve owners go with a remote mount oil cooler. Here are a couple of pics. I also threw in a shot from the RV-14 w/390 and what Van's is recommending.

Changes I am considering on -7:

Go with a larger oil cooler - 10610R, 10611R.
Change to 4" duct.
Install a TCW Butterfly valve on the #4 baffle to regulate airflow.


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Oil cooler

Working FWF. IO-360-M1B. Bigger RV10 oil cooler and mount on the firewall. Butterfly valve.
Firewall oil cooler mount

Here’s how I did mine with a butterfly valve. Sorry about the orientation. Not sure how to rotate.