
I'm wondering if it matters which way oil flows through the cooler. My cooler mounts off the baffle behind #4 cylinder with the long(from) line from the engine connected to the top and the short line connected to the bottom. The problem is that the lines (steel braded hoses actually) are crossing each other, touching hard enough that they will chafe. Also the long hose is too close to the back of the left mag. If I uncross them to correct that, one hose will have to be replaced with a 2" longer one. Or, if it doesn't matter which way the oil enters and exits the cooler, I could just switch hoses at the cooler and correct both problems without fabbing a new hose.
The oil is under pressure, so it really shouldn't matter which way it hooks up.
The flow of oil out of the engine should connect to the bottom of the oil cooler. This way it forces the oil up (and out the top) and eliminates any headspace of air in the radiator.

It should look something like this.

The lines shouldn't have to criss-cross or touch if you are using Van's supplied lines.
oil cooler line routing

Thanks much, that makes sense and confirms my suspicion that my lines were connected backwards to the cooler!