
Well Known Member
Hey everybody!
Ok-I've been screwing around with the baffles and have gotten most of the pieces where I think they belong (the pathetic instructions sure as **** were no help!) and trimmed them so the top cowl just fits. I've been going back and forth about placement of the oil cooler and have decided to go with the traditional location of the rear of the LEFT outer back baffle. With that in mind I would like to see what other builders have done to brace the oil cooler and hopefully prevent a crack in the baffle. I have looked at Dan C's site and also at what Vern Little has done as well as some others but would still like to see photos of bracing concepts that builders have devised. BTW, I'm building 9A with an O-320 D1A engine.

As always, all help and suggestions is appreciated.

Peter K

Give me a call when you get a chance.

Look at this page and scroll down to "Issue #13". 150 hours now and not a single crack.

Look at Bill's 2nd pic (IMG_015.JPG)... We extended (part of) the angle towards the top right of the pic to bend and rivet to the vertical part of the baffles. The idea was to stop (or delay) any cracks appearing down the vertical there, and provide additional "support" for the Oil Cooler weight.

No idea if it's a good idea, but 75hours and all intact ;)

Andy & Ellie Hill
RV-8 G-HILZ http://www.g-hilz.co.uk