
Active Member
I recently had some new camera gear to test and naturally made my RV the subject. So not wanting to let the footage go to waste I threw together a time-lapse edit of the RV getting the oil changed:




You actually managed to make an oil change look interesting!

You got some Spielberg talent.

Well be done!
Ha I wish I had Speilberg talent! But thank you.

The frame rate varies throughout and some was changed in post. But generally shots were captured between 1 and 8 FPS.

I now understand your screen name - impressive video! If it's not a trade secret, how much time did it take to create this, both during and post? Very nice!
If those products are not sponsoring you, they should think better, because came out nice on the video.
Nice talent!
Thank you guys. No secrets, the oil change and filming took around 3 hours. The post took about the same 3 hours or so. I wish I were sponsored but I think you need followers for that?
The dripping to the beat was cool. I wonder what my sound track would sound like when the filter drops out of my hand , oil spills everywhere, flowed by the endless wipe down or when the safety wire lets the blood out of my finger.
Great production; enjoyed this a lot. The music reminded me of something Trent Palmer would have used. This made me long for the day when I'll do my first oil change. It's getting closer... as Mike Patey would say: BACK TO WORK!