
Well Known Member
I am about to take off on a trip to visit family.

I'm going to need to do an oil change during the trip.

Is there anyone based at KBVI, or close by that would be willing to loan me a hangar and a few tools for a couple hours so that I can do an oil change?


i have a quick drain that i can reach thru the oil door. push a hose up thru the exhaust area and let it out. nice setup when needed.

do it after the trip. the oil will be ripe for changing. :cool:
If you change at 25-hr intervals do it after the trip. If 50, do it now. Just my recommendation. I change every 25 hours with filter every other time. Oil is cheap. Engines are expensive.
Trip is going to be about 20 hours.

Just had some work done on the jugs and need to change the oil at 10 hours total. Only have about two on the oil so too early to change now, and will be too far over the recommended 10 by the time I get back...

IF you want to fly to KVVS, oil can be changed in my hangar.

Got all the tools use to build my RV-6 and everything needed to keep it flying the past 20-years.
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If you change at 25-hr intervals do it after the trip. If 50, do it now. Just my recommendation. I change every 25 hours with filter every other time. Oil is cheap. Engines are expensive.

Jesse I'm curious why you don't change the filter every time you change the oil?

Jesse I'm curious why you don't change the filter every time you change the oil?


With a spin-on filter the manufacturers recommend 50 hours between oil changes. The oil breaks down as it is used (and heated) and gets contaminated. The second 25 hours is harder on the engine than the first 25 hours on the oil. The filter still filters after 25 hours, so I pull it and cut it open every 50 hours.

Draining the oil more on Gren also drain contaminants out of the engine, which is good for the engine.

I pump mine out at 25 hours and fill with fresh . drain /replace filter at 50 hrs . I like fresh oil in the system as there is probably 2-3 quarts that stay in the system between the oil cooler and prop . Oil is pretty cheap
IF you want to fly to KVVS, oil can be changed in my hangar.

Got all the tools use to build my RV-6 and everything needed to keep it flying the past 20-years.

And a great way to warm up the oil and meet a great guy. Nice going Gary

Give me a call. 724-336-4273 home.
724-971-2139 Cell but not always on.
I will be at KBVI most of today. Give me a call when you arrive, or later and we can geterdone.

KBVI - hanger 2.

Thanks for the offers, I really appreciate it!

Wound up flying into Chicago instead, daughter wants to check out Northwestern....

I wound up just having Gary Jet Center do the oil change for me. A little expensive, but convenient..

Thanks again for all of the offers of assistance,

I've changed my oil on the ramp in Leesburg, Florida. You can carry everything you need to do the job pretty easily. I also have the quick drain and tube like someone else mentioned, and used an empty plastic jug from a sports supplement I had in the hangar for the same purpose. Now I use a 5 gallon water jug and haul the oil to an auto parts store for recycling.

The only hard part is committing 3 hours of your vacation to the job. If you don't change the filter, you can save a lot of work and time.
Oil Changes

Speaking of oil changes,

I don't have a cat but my neighbor across the street does and he gives me the empty cat litter pails and they are perfect for oil changes. Take the top off and you've got a HUGE opening to keep oil off the hangar floor. When you're done pop the lid back on and you have a no spill transport container to the oil recycling tank at your airport.
