
Well Known Member
Ok, just got my oil analysis back and my Iron has almost doubled, I've always used EXXGard for this.
Here is the history: I change my oil and filter every 50 hrs. the iron is normally 22-28 this time it was 40. The engine is a Superior XP 0-360, 1300 hrs. compression checks always high 70's. I cut the filters open cut and pull out the filter element and visually look for anything and have not seen anything except the first couple that had the normal small partials from the new engine.

I have read that some people put the filter in a coffee can and flush it with a solution then drain the solution thru a coffee filter then view what ever remains on the filter, I would like more detail of this.

I have only used Exxon Elite 20W50. As everyone knows that is no longer being manufactured and I am switching to Aeroshell 15W50. When I filled the oil after this oil change I filled with 3qts of the Exxon and 3 qts of the Aeroshell. This is bad timing for this because now the next oil sample I am kind of expecting to see some different numbers.

I use 100LL for takeoff and landing mainly and burn high octane ethanol free unleaded most of the time, been doing this from day one, 2007.

I did not check the oil screen this time, but will be as soon as I can. I have never seen anything in it.

Any input on this would be helpful. Just wanting to see what others think about this.
A few more details:

I do fly pretty regularly, I'd say between 1-3 times a week, might miss a week here or there, sometimes away with work for a couple weeks at a time, about 80-100 hrs. a year.
I do take my sample at about the same time during the drain every time, usually after about a half quart has drained.
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If your engine sat idle for a while you could get higher iron because of rust in the cylinders getting scraped into the oil when the engine is run.
...engine is a Superior XP 0-360 ....I use 100LL for takeoff and landing mainly and burn high octane ethanol free unleaded most of the time, been doing this from day one, 2007....

I have a Titan 0-360 (460TT) and use fuel the same exact way, 100LL for takeoff and landing and non-ethanol mogas for everything else, and the plane has been doing that since 2009.

As soon as I fly off anything the engine has stored after these few months sitting due to avionics upgrades and the pandemic and I change the oil, I'm going to send the oil sample off for a baseline. I only bought it a year ago and haven't flown it regularly enough to do this before. I'll follow this thread so we can compare in the future.
If your engine sat idle for a while you could get higher iron

A jump fro 28 to 40ppm ain’t a big deal (though 40 is an advisory limit for some providers). Right now I’m in contact with someone non-RV that leaped from 45 to 152, which is alarming...

If all the rest is good, keep flying, resample at next oil change. Despite what oil manufacturers want you to believe, there is little difference in quality that would explain your increase.

As for the filter, there are different ways to do it, but it should be can-opened and the cartridge inspected. Serious contamination will be immediately visible. For inspection some people also press the accordion into a vice and then inspect it... For me a powerful flashlight and a strong magnet will do. In case of contamination, a washing of the filter will help in quantifying the amount and then take a decision according to the published guidelines.
Make sure you are consistent at what point during the oil drain that you take the sample. Too early or too late can skew the sample.
Laboratory error?????

Always consider that your rise could be due to laboratory error. Don't make any rash decisions until you have a trend of more than one test result.