
Well Known Member
I've been using AOA for my oil checks but I am less than thrilled at the way they run their business. I know that some are using Blackstone. How are they? Any others?

I've used Blackstone for >15 years, always happy with them.
They are very responsive to questions, etc.
Blackstone is top notch. Always fast on conveying results, and they offer appropriate comments in addition to the numerical results. I switched to them five years ago after having major response issues with the "other" testing outfit at the time. Blackstone gives you all your oil test results arrayed side by side, so you can see changes over time. They also provide your running average plus a broad "universal average" for your engine type. :)
Pre-paid postage mailers for Blackstone also, now.

Blackstone here, too. Really happy with the service and turn time.

The only problem is USPS loses nearly every one of the square, black plastic outer bottles I send. Out of the 5 I've mailed so far, they've lost 4. All were eventually found, thankfully, after I took the time to call and initiate a trace.

Are the pre-paid mailers any different?

I have been using Blackstone for more than ten years. Used another brand for a few years prior to that. Blackstone has been top notch. I've always used the prepaid mailers. They are a black plastic bottle with the small plastic bottle (for the oil sample) inside and include a baggie and some oil absorbent material in case there is a leak. I've never had one lost by the post office in all these years. I do always drop them off at the neighborhood post office instead of leaving them for the mailman to pick up.
Does Blackstone report the oil condition as well as contaminants? I just got my first ever report back from AOA. I was a little surprised that there was nothing about oil viscosity or condition, lead contamination, etc. Just Fe, Al, Si, Cu, Ni, Cr and Ag. If I'm going to switch I want to do it now.
Yes - Blackstone reports all of the above.

Viscosity at 2 temperatures, fuel and water contamination, lead, etc.
I really like Blackstone mainly because of all of the detail they send, the comments and the trend chart so you can see the averages and the last 5-6 samples to compare. I have seen some reports from other labs while doing Prebuy inspections and I greatly prefer Blackstone.

I always put the black box inside a padded envelope or box and mail it that way. I try to send 2 at a time when possible.
I've been using AOA for my oil checks but I am less than thrilled at the way they run their business. I know that some are using Blackstone. How are they? Any others?


What makes you less than thrilled with AOA?
I have been using them for 10 years on RV and 5 years before that on C140. Never had issue and no hint that they have issues running their business. I bought AOA kits in bulk and still have 6-8 more to use so interested in hearing your issues with them. They may not be the best or provide reports as good or as much info as others but I have always found them to be adequate.
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Just reviving this thread asking about changes at Blackstone. I've been using them for almost 20 years. Always excellent detail and comments but, over the past year, I've noticed trouble sending samples. One sample was simply lost and another sat at their lab, turning up 3 months later with results. Has anyone else had recent delays getting their results? All I get when I call is a simple shrug and an "I don't know" when trying to track down my oil.
I Have had no problems whatsoever with Blackstone. Now their sample boxes have a prepaid postage label, so I just stick them in the mailbox and off they go. I send several samples per month and have never had one lost.
...of course, this morning, after posting my question, I get an email from Blackstone letting me know they got my sample. Good to know, but 4 weeks seems like a very long time for the mail to deliver from California.
Oh, come on, just use Blackstone! Everybody else does. Prepaid postage on the bottles makes it super easy!

like jessie said: "I always put the black box inside a padded envelope or box and mail it that way. I try to send 2 at a time when possible.
Jesse Saint (Saint Aviation, Inc. - VAF Advertiser)

some usps processing machines do not like the small round containers or with rounded corners. works best in a padded envelope. transfer the free mailing label to the padded envelope. lawrence
When I asked Blackstone how to get a quicker turnaround (if desired or needed), I was told to ship the sample by faster means, such as FedEx, UPS, or USPS Priority. They put those samples at the front of the line, as they assume the sender wants a quicker reply.

For routine samples, not necessary.
USPS always works fine for me, and I don't have to deal with some knucklehead behind the counter who doesn't understand that it's perfectly legal to ship used oil and that it's not hazardous material.