Earl Findlay

Active Member
Who is the best oil analysis company to send my oil sample to?
I tried Black stone, but they take months to send me the results. I’m looking for something quicker
I've had good luck with Blackstone ... about 10-14 days turn around on average. YMMV.
I think Blackstone is the best. I like the fact there's an actual person that break things down for ya.

Months seem like a long time. I live a little closer to them than you, but it usually only takes them 1-2 weeks. With their prelabeled kits I can track the sample via USPS and most of the time is spent in "first class" mail. Once it's deliver to them, I have analysis emailed to me in a couple days.
If you want a quicker turnaround at Blackstone, send your sample in via FedEx or UPS, with accelerated delivery. Blackstone treats them as urgent, and puts them ahead in the que.

Of course you have to pay extra for shipping if you do this.
Blackstone. Turnaround is a couple of weeks in my experience, but I can’t recall ever being in a rush to get those results.
My guess, especially if the slow response from Blackstone is a recent development, is that the delay is on the USPS side, on not the side of Blackstone. It would be easy to tell; just copy down the USPS tracking number and watch the journey it took, and the dates of each record.
I recently had a problem getting electronic results from Blackstone. After a few weeks, I called to ask about them. I was assurred they had been sent, but they sent them again immediately. No joy, again. After a couple of calls, the rep. sent them to me from her personal account and I received them immediately. She commented they must ‘still be having an e-mail problem’ and would pass that along. So, if you are missing results, give them a call. Great service, otherwise.

Just sent a sample to Blackstone and got results back in about 5 days by email. Seems to me that's pretty fast.
Never had one take more than a week or so.
I use Caterpillar sample service. Just go to the dealer and get the bottle packs. It comes with a prepaid mailer and I get an email in 3-4 days with the results. They have analysis labs that are high quality and all over the world. You will get mailers for one near you. Send me your email address and I will send you a report so you can see what they look like. I think they are ~$13 each.
Blackstone !! Get results next day but I next day send my oil in because I have connections.
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Blackstone. Excellent service, never more than a couple of weeks (and most of that is usually due to USPS). You say it took months...did you ever call or email them to find out what the delay was?
I was a satisfied Blackstone user on my Bonanza. I'll start on my RV7 at the next oil change now that there's been time to break in the engine.

I also use Blackstone and have been very happy with them. I usually send snail mail USPS from the Seattle area and get the resutls by email in about 5-7 days on average.

The thing I like about Blackstone is the plain English description of what is going on in my oil, not just a bunch of numbers I can't gain any meaning from.