
Well Known Member
Every year we celebrate the anniversary of our Ohio Valley RVators. This past weekend we celebrated by having our 5th annual OVRVators Birthday Party and Gag Awards UFO (Ultimate Fly Out) at the New Philadelphia airport (PHD). Lots of fun getting together with the gang, enjoying a nice lunch, eating our 'Birthday Cake', and giving each other some well deserved (well...maybe :D) gag awards.

This year we had about 35 airplanes in attendance....about 25 of them were RV's. Well over 50 folks in attendance......pretty awesome if I do say so myself :).

Here's a sample pic.....we sure do like to have fun :D: The pic shows me (Rick Gray) showing Bill Flaherty (Popeye) how much I 'love' my favorite F.A.S.T. Wingman :D

And here's a link to about 100 more pics for those that might be interested:


It was a great opportunity to debut my new F1 Rocket.....even got a few inflight pics on the way home and added them to the UFO pics.
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