
Well Known Member
Anyone wish to start an Ohio RV flyers group? Weekend fly in get togethers??
Just got an RV8 and looking for like minded RV crazies.
Anyone wish to start an Ohio RV flyers group? Weekend fly in get togethers??
Just got an RV8 and looking for like minded RV crazies.

I moved out of the area 11-2017.

The guy (Rick Gray) that started the Ohio RVator group moved just before Yahoo dissolved all the Yahoo Groups. When I last spoke to him, he wanted to keep the group going but since he moved out of the area, was busy getting moved and settled so was not able to move the old Ohio Valley RVator group to Groups.IO before Yahoo dissolved all their groups.

I know one guy with an RV-8 that is based at KFWQ that wanted to keep the group going to help arrange lunch / dinner fly outs / get together.

I would have helped set up a Groups.IO group if I would not have been stepping on others peoples toes. I did move one of the old Yahoo Groups to Groups.IO that is on the other side of the country and it is still going.
Great idea. We have a large contingent of RV pilots in the Cincinnati area and have an active formation group (Cincy RiverRats). Even if you don’t want to do any formation flying, we still get together for lunch/breakfast flyouts. I sold my RV4 to a local pilot living near you with his own runway - he’s also a professional pilot, like you I assume. I’m building another RV - RV6 - because my wife wants to fly with me, and she really doesn’t like the tandem experience. So I’m out of the loop until spring I figure, when I should complete my “new” RV6. But if you’re interested, we are only 30 minutes away, and there’s an active RV group in the Columbus area too.
To get connected to our RR group, try this:

[email protected]

For the Columbus group, you’ll probably need to check in at the FBO at Delaware. I don’t have any contact info for them. Some of the Columbus guys are part of the River Rats.
To get connected to our RR group, try this:

[email protected]

For the Columbus group, you’ll probably need to check in at the FBO at Delaware. I don’t have any contact info for them. Some of the Columbus guys are part of the River Rats.

I’ve already reached out to Chris privately, since he lives just a couple miles from me. If anyone is interested in central Ohio RV activities, please contact me directly.