
Well Known Member
okay,, installing the right console.... I temporarily installed the f804, looked at it hard and realized after fitting the console that it was upside down (short bent bent end goes towards floor) (nice instructions btw). Put it right side up, installed the console, drilled and installed the nutplates. started drilling the holes on the f804 to cleco the piece to the fuse (later pop rivets for install). Drilled the first hole, taking a long time?.... I'm drilling into the spar!!...why... the 804 has not been pushed up to clear the spar.

So....I have a partially drilled hole in my right spar near the top.. depth about 1/8 of an I have to replace the spar? is there something I should do.... am I panicking for nothing?:mad:
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skidmk said:
okay,, installing the right console.... I temporarily installed the f804, looked at it hard and realized after fitting the console that it was upside down (short bent bent end goes towards floor) (nice instructions btw). Put it right side up, installed the console, drilled and installed the nutplates. started drilling the holes on the f804 to cleco the piece to the fuse (later pop rivets for install). Drilled the first hole, taking a long time?.... I'm drilling into the spar!!...why... the 804 has not been pushed up to clear the spar.

So....I have a partially drilled hole in my right spar near the top.. depth about 1/8 of an I have to replace the spar? is there something I should do.... am I panicking for nothing?:mad:
I feel sure Van's will tell you not to worry *and* to quit drilling holes in the spar. Might offer some advice on polishing or smoothing the hole. But bottom line, call Van's first. No need to advise to know what's behind what you're drilling at this point, I would guess.
skidmk said:
So....I have a partially drilled hole in my right spar near the top.. depth about 1/8 of an I have to replace the spar? is there something I should do.... am I panicking for nothing?:mad:
How far is the damage from any of the bolt holes in the spar? Which bolt hole is it closest too, and which direction and distance from the hole? Maybe post a picture.
Pictures of the mess?

here are the pics,,, the hole is not through the spar, but about 1/8 into it. there is no real way to dress the hole, as there is a shim between the web and the spar. going to call Vans now.


That part of the spar should be in compression during positive g manoeuvres. I'm no structural engineer, but I suspect the issue would be possible fatigue cracks starting from that damage. I doubt there is a static strength problem, at least until a significant crack has formed. But, I'm not sure how you could do repetitive inspections there, given that the damage is buried under that piece of 0.040".

Personally, (and this is worth what you paid for it), I'd have no concerns about flying it like that, if I had a way to periodically do non-destructive testing (NDT) to verify no crack had started. It might be worthwhile finding someone who is experienced at NDT to see what it would take to inspect that area, and how much it would cost per inspection.

I'd listen very carefully to the info you get from Van's. Be sure it is from one of the engineers, not just a guy at the service desk.
Thanks Kevin,, after calling and speaking to Bruce, he's referred it, and some high res photos to the "senior" engineer. I really don't want to contemplate having to replace that thing....
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My guess is they will tell you not to worry about it.
Later on, you will be drilling plenty of holes in that piece in order to install the spar caps. Granted, you probably won't be drilling a hole exactly in that spot, but it's probably not a big deal.
They may even have you drill all the way through and put a rivet in it, as long as there is edge distance on the inside piece. You'd also have to countersink it on the inside so the wing spar can slide in without interference.
Since you haven't drilled all the way through, you could actually drill #40 for a small rivet and make it flush on both sides.
I am curious, though, to see what VAN's actually says.
Official reply from Vans

"After careful consideration by Ken Kruger (head engineering Guru)
the decision is to leave it alone and move on. I won't go into all the
edge distance and strength discussion. He did suggest that you
put a little primer in the hole."

You cannot believe how relieved I am at this response. I had visions all afternoon of tearing apart a QB fuse to replace it. Needless to say, there was a work stoppage today.. do to low level funk in the shop.... Now the sun is shineing and I'm moving on.:)
Glad to hear it worked out ... I'll make sure to be careful when I get there.

OT question - have you already painted the interior?

yes, I've painted the interior. (except the caps and console) the floors are done with 1 coat, (putting carpet over them) under the floors was one coat (insulation on them), the sides were all done one coat (installing vinyl sidepanels).

I wanted to paint the interior before I started running all the wires (which I'm about ready to do)