
Well Known Member
I wish Someone will come up with a stick that will fit, me.?

My bent stick works.,,, butttt, ?? needs to be higher and more aft..
I see an opportunity here Jay....I wouldn't object to trying something different either, so get into the shop and make something for us to try! (Isn't there some sort of aviation tool store with a complete machine shop next door to you?!?)

I'm with you Jay, I would love to have a better stick. I even have Todd's stick and while it is much, much better than the Van's stock configuration it still is farther forward and lower than I'd like.

Someone had an idea about the RV-10 curved stick and I think they were onto something.

The problem is the forward edge of the seat pan gets in the way so even if you wanted to cheat a bit and have the forward stick a little further aft than the rear stick you can only adjust the angle of the forward the stick back so far or it will start to hit the seat pan. Maybe the combination of a stick base that is S-ed like Todd's and then have a curved upper portion of the stick.

Like the aft stick, the upper portion of the forward stick could even removable so those who need to dive under their panel can quickly remove the upper stick without tearing into the control system itself.

Any 4130 magician/volunteers to develop this?
A ten foot length of conduit is only a couple of bucks, and a bender should be easy to find, borrow one from somebody.

Easy way to make cheap, quick test sticks.

Just dont even think of flying with it.

Once you get it the way you like, use as a pattern to get a 4130 copy.
I've been thinking about building a custum center section for my 8 panel with a curve to the bottom of it so i could make the stick longer. Anyone else ever have similar thoughts? Tony
I've been thinking about building a custum center section for my 8 panel with a curve to the bottom of it so i could make the stick longer. Anyone else ever have similar thoughts? Tony

I've seen pictures of an -8 instrument panel with a cut-out at the bottom for the stick. I'm not sure where I saw it.

Personally I wouldn't do it. It would be a strange mod that many would find (visually) objectionable. I think it would decrease the value of the plane.

While I initially disliked the position of the stick, I have come to like it now. My right fore-arm rests on my right leg and is very comfortable. I usually grip the top of the stick with just two fingers. I only grip the whole stick grip for take-off and landing.


I've been thinking about building a custum center section for my 8 panel with a curve to the bottom of it so i could make the stick longer. Anyone else ever have similar thoughts? Tony

You mean like this? Yes.

Hi Jay,

Back when we exchanged a few e-mails about making a bent stick you told me you where not satisfied with the one you have, I told you I don?t have ready access to a -8 and a skinny pilot and offered to make you up something to try if you would go out and sit in your -8 with a tape measure and see what you would like to try, I offered this twice but you never came through with any information so I figured it wasn?t worth it to you so I did not bother doing anything, The offer still stands, if you or any one wants to give me some direction as to what they think will work I will work with them on a solution. I even have one of the bent sticks that Randy gave me, I just don?t know how much different you need it to be.
