
Well Known Member
Sent to me by a co-worker...

These things (deer) worry me around my area:

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That was lucky! He must have been going slow when he hit it. I've seen birds do more (visible) damage.
Probably didn't have to track it very far...

Looks like the gear leg fairing took some damage. Is leading edge / fuel tank okay?

Are there any pirep details about the incident? Take-off? Landing? Organized drive?

Shame on the jokes. What's wrong with you guys. Not funny in my book. If or when this happens to you, you will understand, it not fun or funny, at all.
While I am sure he was heart broke and sick to his stomach when it happened, I am sure that he will see the funny side of this as time wears on.
I hit a cow with my high school 66 Mustang and totaled it when I was a kid and we still bust ouu laughing every time it is mentioned.
Shame on the jokes. What's wrong with you guys. Not funny in my book. If or when this happens to you, you will understand, it not fun or funny, at all.

... I, have over the years had more than my share of mishaps and incidences. Many small, and a few very serious in nature. This one, shown here thankfully didn't have a disastrous outcome. All the damage is repairable, excluding the deer and in retrospect it is far better to look on the light side than to sit in morning, or embrace the fear of something you have no control over. Much healthier to look on this as an experience to benefit from. I can't imagine this offending anyone, but if it did, I assure you that was not the intention. Thanks, Allan
Shame on the jokes. What's wrong with you guys. Not funny in my book. If or when this happens to you, you will understand, it not fun or funny, at all.

I agree completely both for the sake of the pilot and the animal which is just an innocent creature.
I'd say it's a tear-down/overhaul, Pierre

.. and a reminder of why the game warden doesn't hesitate to give me a kill permit whenever I ask. Farmers have to show crop damage; I just have to show a turf runway. Silly beasts are as likely to bolt in front of you as away from you, and they come out earlier each evening in the fall :mad:
Odd - while a real hazard to moving things, this photo looks a little odd for a moving plane with gear damage so close to the subject.
Odd - while a real hazard to moving things, this photo looks a little odd for a moving plane with gear damage so close to the subject.

Suspicious lack of blood is another clue. I'm thinking they moved the tasty morsel in front of the plane for the photo shoot. Lack of more damage would indicate he might of been taxiing too when it happened.

Would have been a lot cheaper to use a rifle! :D
Obviously photoshopped is what I say!

I would say "staged" but not Photo Shopped.

Update: By "staged", I'm saying he may have moved the carcass halves and airplane to take that photo. I believe this is entirely possible.
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Not staged, photoshopped. Common guys, are you that gullible? One blade? Cleaved amidship laterally once? No gore and guts strewn everywhere? Etc, etc.

The caption contest is amusing since the aircraft is trivially damaged for whatever reason. Maybe Brantel's coworker can provide some provenance.

Bambi is a miserable pest in many states where they're overly protected. I've come darn close to cleaning the seat several times.

John Siebold, Carnivore
I know nothing of the photo or the circumstances. The co-worker does not either. He said he thought it looked like an RV so he sent it to me.

That's the limit of my knowledge on the event...

I am scared of deer however as I have seen em jump and run many times around my neck of the woods when I am on the roll....
Cleaved isn't even the right word, more like a star wars light saber. It's also made the rounds on reddit, which is all anyone needs to know to call bs.
I know nothing of the photo or the circumstances. The co-worker does not either.

LOL! I always try to refrain from calling someone a BS'er without more info.

No matter if it was shop'd, staged, or the gut job finished off after the fact... the crime scene was definitely tampered with. I just hope the meat didn't go to waste. :p

The pilot here lives 1/4 mile up the road from me. He called me the day before yesterday (Monday) to tell me about the incident. He said he wanted to keep a low profile on the whole business, and I agreed with him.

He's a 25 year USAF vet (a wrench), and I wouldn't have built my -8 without his help and advice. The strip behind his house he carved out of the woods himself.

He spent 11 years building his -3, how would you feel if this happened to you?

The pilot here lives 1/4 mile up the road from me. He called me the day before yesterday (Monday) to tell me about the incident. He said he wanted to keep a low profile on the whole business, and I agreed with him.

He's a 25 year USAF vet (a wrench), and I wouldn't have built my -8 without his help and advice. The strip behind his house he carved out of the woods himself.

He spent 11 years building his -3, how would you feel if this happened to you?

Well then... somebody, he knows pretty well, took the picture and posted it on the internet... without being so cordial to his secretive plight. Cat's out of the bag. You can see a grin on his face too. So let's hear the whole story... it's not like the FAA and PETA are going to come hunting him down.

I am very surprised that some of the people posting think hitting a deer funny. Bet you would not think it was funny if it happened to you.

Always a concern at sundown and sun up, at least where I base. A GRT FLIR camera / EFIS display almost makes sense if it would let you see the deer off to the sides of the runway.

On a few occasions multiple low passes have been needed to clear the deer away before landing. Take offs give you fewer options.

That looks like a very fine job of driving! Not nice for the RV but it could have been much worse.
Well then... somebody, he knows pretty well, took the picture and posted it on the internet... without being so cordial to his secretive plight. Cat's out of the bag. You can see a grin on his face too. So let's hear the whole story... it's not like the FAA and PETA are going to come hunting him down.
As long as we're guessing. I'm betting the deer did indeed get whacked. Must have been producing a lot of power to whack it in two. But I'm guessing the pieces were set in front of the plane for proper photo documentation of the event.

As for it being funny. Maybe, maybe not. I personally hate to see a scratch on an RV. As for the deer - there is no shortage of them in my neck of the woods.
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Unless he forgot to yell "clear" and the the deer was standing midsection to the rotation of the prop I am going to call fake. Seems there would be more cuts on the deer had he been moving.
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Hind sight ?

I would have staged that poor deer with its head facing the other way.
A seriously new perspective on hind sight.
Unless he forgot to yell "clear" and the the deer was standing midsection to the rotation of the prop I am going to call fake. Seems there would be more cuts on the deer had he been moving.

I might have thought the same thing before a month ago when I took these shots after my hangar mate accomplished the same thing landing at dusk in his Lancair (at 39N). One clean cut through the spine. Repair estimate is over 40K so far, not including paint job, and he has a 2K deductible. Barrett Engines will be doing IRAN. A Columbia 400 (or Cessna 400, not sure what you call it) w/ 6 cyl. Continental landed a few hours later and also struck a deer, right into the prop. Apparently his bill is approaching 100K and he has a big deductible (something like 20K). Terrible time of year for deer strikes, obviously (no more eve/night flights for me).

Sorry for poor quality night cell phone shots and blood and gore.








[Edit: Sorry for multiple links; thought actual photos would load.]
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Oh deer is right!!

Knock on aluminum, I've hit 2 with my Honda Pilot in the past 6 years but none with the RV.

When it happens you are extremely agitated but in time you just laugh it off, it's life in the country. Truth is there are too many deer everywhere and they need to be thinned out with a longer hunting season.

PS I bought a couple cheap Deer Whistles on line, have actually seen deer turn and run along the road, wonder if they would work on an airplane. It's my understanding truck drivers use these things and they work. Yet the last time it happened to me, the repair guy said he fixes cars that had the whistle so they are the total answer.

over the years ive lost two friends in motorcycle / deer accidents and have been seriously injured in a motorcycle / deer accident. The deer population is out of control.
Rest assured, it's not a fake. It happened right after landing. My parents live at a rural airport, and the deer around there are thick too! What are you going to do when they jump out in front of you? The engine is coming here. We don't have seven in the shop that have hit deer, but we did just complete one where this happened. I also have dear friend who is an airshow pilot and charters a caravan who hit one on landing a couple of years ago. Scared the bejezus out of him!

two coyotes at the run up pad tonight. it's a fenced airport. there are a lot of animals moving around this time of year.
Smaller parts

Years ago, while doing touch and goes at McGuire AFB in a C-141 at night, just as we were about to rotate, a deer ran out in front of us. Small thump. Might have been a tar strip in the runway.
"Did we hit him"
"I dunno"
Asked the tower to send someone out for a look-see.
"Did they find a deer?" we asked.
"Well…he found 'parts' of one.

We were lucky that it only bent, instead of broke, a brake line, because we could have lost the left wheel brakes. The wheel well was…well…"redecorated". :D