
Well Known Member
Just dropped off the empennage kit at the shop. I am RV-8 builder 2547. Now the adventure begins, Along with a few thousand stupid questions. Better learn how to use the forum's search feature!

Brought the plans back home with me. Wonder what time I'll go to bed tonight???

Gee, can I finish the new workbench this weekend?

Greg Piney
Rv-8 2547
Soon to be Dazed and Confused
Welcome Greg. I've found that sleep is overrated since starting on my 7A. ;)

Good luck and have fun!
You are about to see how much money watching all those Re-runs cost to watch. In two or 3 years when you have a $75,000 plus airplane sitting in the hanger instead of 10 more lbs on your behind from that recliner you will realize that cable bill was a lot higher than you thought. Good luck with your new project. We're all here to help. Oh, BTW don't forget to put a TV in the shop. Hey, you still have to have the weather channel and music videos. :D

In the interest of sefety, DO NOT use power tools,(drills rivet guns, grinders) while trying to watch "Honky Tonk B-Donky Donk".
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I was where you are now back in September of 1997. In the summer of 2000 I flew for the first time. Now I'm approaching the 6th anniversary of that first flight. Building the Doll was everything I thought it would be and much more. Where has the time gone?

Now, I can't imagine my life without this great airplane. The cost of building has faded from my memory along with any frustration I felt during the two years and seven months of building.

I thought I was just building an airplane. I didn't realize that I was changing my life as well. RV's come with a cult. (Not a bad word in this case) We fly off to lunch, or start the day off with a four ship formation, and watch an incredible sun rise from the cockpit. We've flown to the mountains of Idaho, and a truly beautiful grass strip for a camping vacation. Of course, there's Oshkosh, and L.O.E. and many otheres. There is always something happening. Monday we leave for Sun-N-Fun. It's been a great experience, and it will last as long as I can climb up into the Doll's cockpit.

Enjoy the building. Your are in phase one of the RV experience, and it's worth the trip.
gpiney said:
Gee, can I finish the new workbench this weekend?

I am in the same boat. I NEED to build the workbenches this weekend too. My tail kit and tools are lonely.
Just got done with a pair of workbenches

Congratulations. I'm not that much further than you. Did the empennage in '04 and just started on the wings.

I made a pair of EAA 1000 workbenches with a few modifications .

I used MDF for the top, screwed but not glued down so it can be flipped after drilling into it a bunch of times. I also cut ~2.5" off the legs and put them on locking casters.

Just do a little bit each day. Take the preview plans home to look ahead - makes your time more productive.