Hello RV community. My name is Gabriel Gonzales. I can really appreciate how classy Doug runs this place and all the amazing help and camaraderie in here. I have so much on my mind and sooooo many questions I hope they are appropriate for this forum. I have read the forum rules so please let me know if anything is inappropriate.

I'm from Kokomo Indiana. Recieved my PPL-SEL in 2002 in 52.6 hours which is when I met an older guy with an RV4 who was so kind as to take me on a "cheaper fuel run" flight. Just the way that thing felt from the back seat I knew then I had to have an RV! Sadly I lost touch with him years ago. But after much thought, my plans are geared towards an RV7a.

Due to the factory closing back then I had to get out of flying but I'm now settled into an amazing company/job and my old country house is paid for free and clear. It does need some work to be able to borrow against but that is all part of the plan. Was going to use some of that equity to finance engine, avionics, prop etc and pay cash on the kit pieces as I go. I would guess I'm at least a year or so from buying the emp kit and going full bore. In the meantime I'm looking to getting familiarized with all this so the build itself is as smooth as can be. So many things to consider, so much to learn!

I feel confident I have the abilty to build this. Spent a number of years(25+) in the auto industry(before and after the factory job) as a body and paint technician and several years as a hard hit frame specialist so I'm very familiar with drilling and welding and measuring and all things immpecable. I've also restored and painted several show cars so painting my own aircraft will be a huge savings! Please don't misconstrue this post as advertising any services as I don't have time for extracurricular activities, I love my current job and wouldn't consider a 2nd one. I'm just stating I've acquired extensive techinical abilities over the years that I feel can be applied beneficially to my aircraft build.

There's a lot of subjects to read about that I'm unfamiliar with such as insurance, tools to acquire in preparation, standard building techniques, how to equip the airplane and a ton of others subjects in the FAA realm I'm sure. For now I'll be lurking as much as I can to learn as much "RV" as possible but would love to meet some locals to talk RV's with. I promise I'll try not to cut into build time :)

I just rejoined the EAA and plan to do some studying there as well but I'm open to any suggestions and advice anyone has to offer regarding best posts and must read materials here regarding RV's for someone starting out.
If there are any locals(Indiana) here I would be honored to meet you.

Thank You all and fly/build safe.
Sincerely, Gabriel

P.S. I'm also open to suggestions on how to calm/reverse my fiances fear of flying too. Ha ha
Welcome, Gabriel! I'm building a taildragger -14 next door in Marion. Wings are almost complete and I'm starting on my quick-build fuselage. Kokomo has what I think is an active EAA chapter (I'm in Fort Wayne's Chapter 2 since I just retired from flying for a large company there). By all means, avail yourself of all the local help that you can find. Stop by Glenndale airport. I'm sure they can put you in touch with the local chapter. There's a -14A (tri-gear) in the early stages nearby (Upland). PM me if you'd like to take a look at the project.
flying to ind

Flying to Portland, IN next week so will be coming through the area. Would be happy to stop by and show you my 7a and talk about building or whatever.
Flying to Portland, IN next week so will be coming through the area. Would be happy to stop by and show you my 7a and talk about building or whatever.

That would be amazing! Just let me know what day you are coming through and I can provide you my cell# to let me know when you land. I'm literally about 7-8 miles away. FYI OKK RNWY 32/14 are closed for repaving. If you prefer I come to Portland I can make the 1hr drive no problem but I couldn't get there until around 6pm. Thank you so much!

Gabriel, I have built both an rv-8 and rv-10 at KBAK. Happy to accommodate you to tell you what I know.
P.S. I'm also open to suggestions on how to calm/reverse my fiances fear of flying too. Ha ha

Everyone is different and of course I've never met your fiancee. That said, there are a significant fraction of people whose fears are:
(1) if the engine stops I will die, or
(2) if the pilot goes unconscious I will die.
If your fiancee fits either of these two categories, ask your CFI (you surely will need one, just to get a Flight Review, but also after 20 years you'll need to get back up to speed) and your fiancee if he can give her, and she's up for, some "pinch hitter" training. Basically, she sits in her normal seat (right, usually) and he instructs her on the use of the controls, and then she practices gliding (power at idle) down to a runway or field. For many fearful fliers that's all it takes to make them comfortable.
I find

I have found that a lot of people who are “afraid” of flying are really more afraid of being out of control than the actual flying portion…
Everyone is different and of course I've never met your fiancee. That said, there are a significant fraction of people whose fears are:
(1) if the engine stops I will die, or
(2) if the pilot goes unconscious I will die.
If your fiancee fits either of these two categories, ask your CFI (you surely will need one, just to get a Flight Review, but also after 20 years you'll need to get back up to speed) and your fiancee if he can give her, and she's up for, some "pinch hitter" training. Basically, she sits in her normal seat (right, usually) and he instructs her on the use of the controls, and then she practices gliding (power at idle) down to a runway or field. For many fearful fliers that's all it takes to make them comfortable.
Good suggestion Bob!! Although it's going to be awhile I'm already showing her a lot of various things about aviation that demonstrate how meticulous safety is considered in every aspect.
Another thing that I think may help is she sat with me and watched several Youtube videos I found where pilots filmed during their Fisk approach at Oshkosh. She showed a great interest in it especially as I was explaining things such as keeping minimal radio silence with "rock your wings". I think when the time comes watching more videos similar to this will help her become familiar with things in the cockpit, things you hear over ATC, and a generic view from the cockpit. I feel it would be beneficial in the sense when we do start flying some things will be familiar because of the videos. I even shower her a video of an RV that had a flat tire when they landed and showed her how it really didn't look like any other landing. Lol