
Well Known Member
Well it has been a very long day that started out bad but ended as good as it could.

I got a call this morning that my son Luke (senior age 18) had been in a school bus wreck and had been thrown from the bus. He had been on his way to an Honor Band tryout. On our way to the hospital we got another call, they were airlifting him to University of Iowa Hospital, when I asked about injuries they said that all they could tell us was that he was alive. Not what a parent wants to hear.

I knew where the wreck had taken place and I also knew that the helicopter would be crossing our route. We live about 45 minutes from the hospital and sure enough about half way there I saw the chopper coming in from the south. Very mixed emotions to see it and know your son is in it. You know they are getting him there as quickly as possible but on the other hand you really don't want any of this to be happening.

By the end of the day and with a lot of prayer we ended up with the following:

Conscious and comunicating well

Bad concussion but no hemorrhaging in the brain area

Everything looks good from the chest down

Still wearing the collar as they have not had anyone to read the CTI from the neck, hopefully by morning. (Better safe than sorry) The trauma area was VERY busy today

3-5 fractures in the face mainly around the right eye area, they will be deciding tomorrow if surgery is needed or not. The concern is if the eye sinks any it can cause double vision and other eye problems. If they decide not to do surgery he will be going back for a check up in a couple of weeks and there is a possibility they would decide to do it then.

Two stitches in the right chin area. There was lots of blood and this is where most of it came from. The doctor was worried about a scar fro mthe two stiches and Luke laughed at him.

Multiple scrapes, bruises and cuts over the face, arms, chest, back, and hands.

Bad swelling around the eyes but going down

Right now I believe the biggest concern is the results of the neck CTI and the vision. The spinal column they feel pretty good about but the eyes no one is sure yet. Luke was supposed to do his first cross country this week. We are praying that the vision is not a problem as it could prevent him form ever completing his PPL.

One thing I have to add. Many of the kids on the bus felt they HAD to see Luke. This was a very traumatic experience for many of them. First they were in the accident, then, they see Luke laying out side the bus in a puddle of blood unconscious. At this point a helicopter comes in and picks Luke up and hauls him away. Not everyday occurrences by any means. They came one by one, with their parents and I took them in to see Luke and that he looked better than the last time they had seen him. All shed some tears of relief, including most of the parents. The music instructor was there also and he told me that he was very relieved to see Luke like this compared to what he had seen earlier while sitting with Luke while waiting for the chopper.

Well one of the young men came to see Luke, his name is Cameron, he is a freshman. I went in and told Luke that Cameron was here and Luke asked if he was okay. I told him yes, but that he had a pretty good bump on his head and a black eye. Luke looked up and said to me ?I?m glad it was me and not him that got hurt.? He is a wonderful kid and sure made his Dad proud of him with that statement.

I posted a photo at
He looks pretty rough, but I guess that happens when you exit a bus through a side window at 50 mph. In the photo he was attempting ot smile for his sister who is in Alabama attending college so she would feel better and not be so worried.

Any of you who are inclined to prayer we would appreciate your prayers for a full recovery.

Sorry to post this and be so long but I know that you guys will understand the concern about the vision and his being able to finish his PPL. It is something that is important to Luke.

They say flying is dangerous, what about band?
Done. Airplanes really don't matter that much, do they?! Glad to hear he seems to be moving in the right direction, but it sounds like a long way to go. Take care.
You never know

JohnR, - I have an 18 year old senior. I am hopeful that he will be walking through the door any minute, but as your post makes very clear, you never know.
It was hard to read your post. The emotions were real as I came to an understanding of what you must have gone through today. I am thrilled that it turned out as well as it did.
We will pray for you tonight and tomorrow at church. Both prayers of thanks and prayers of continued healing.
My God bless you and your family.
I'll definitely keep a good thought for your boy. I'm sure everybody on here is doing likewise and would appreciate updates when you're able. Nice to hear about his pals coming by; sometimes you start to think nobody does that kind of thing anymore.
This is indeed the nightmare we all worry about, albeit with a pretty decent end. I have a 16 and 19 yo and there are always challenges that could have similar or much worse endings......

FWIW: I am a Plastic Surgeon and the fractures you describe are relatively simple to repair in general----your son should be fine----if you have to pick things to break above the clavicle the orbit bones are a decent choice.

Best of luck to both your son and you!!

Flying Dangerous

Hi John,

Very glad to hear that your son is pretty good shape, all things considered. His youth and will, coupled with support of family and friends will pull him through. He WILL get that license!!!!

After spending 30 years in law enforcement I cannot even explain what I have seen. Also spent many years flying helicopters and although we weren't a medical helicopter the need occasionally arose where we did make a hospital run. There were many joyous events and many sad ones. I can remember landing at a hospital as the medical teams rushed in and then wiping tears from my eyes during the cool down when it was just me in the helicopter. Experiences that I will never forget.

The RV community will be there for you and your family in thoughts and prayers. Keep us posted.

God Bless

Darwin N. Barrie
Chandler AZ
Full recovery

John, I can only begin to imagine what you must be going through, even though I've got two little ones myself. We're hoping and praying for a speedy and full recovery.
Thanks to al for the replies

Thanks to eveyone who has replied. When I got home last night I had told Luke's story what seemed like a hundred times yesterday. Family, friends, people from church, etc. It is wonderful to have people who care when you need them!

I just neeed to kind of finalize it and so posted here. I know it is not RV related but felt that everyone would understand.

I've got to get back over to the hospital as I want to see the doctor when he comes through this AM. No news during the night which is a good thing!

Thanks again to everyone, I will post an update again later.

We'll keep your son, you and your family in our prayers. Very relieved to hear he will be OK.

Thanks for the support

Thanks for the support everyone. We just got home from the hospital and Luke is with us. He is in pretty good spirits and looking a lot better today. Swelling down and good clear thinking. He had several questions about what happened as he doesn't remember much about the accident.

I told him I did not think he would be able to log the helicopter time. That was one of the first things he remembers is that they moved him into the helicopter and it was pretty noisy.

He goes back in on Tuesday for surgery on the bones in his face and they plan on him coming back home on Wed. The doctor who is taking care of him had kids in the honor band and said he had heard all about the incident. He also said that by the time the honor band played in two weeks he didn't see why Luke couldn't play also. Luke took this as great news just because it meant the recovery period didn't sound all that long. His last major mishap resulted in 3 knee surgeries and a year of rehab. Shoot, two weeks is nothing! :)

I will post the results of the surgery on Tuesday evening. Thanks for putting up with my ramblings on this. Seems it helps to type it out.

We sure appreciate all the thoughts and prayers. Thanks again for the support.

One note to CAW: Thanks for the words on the surgery, it is exactly what all the doctors here have been saying but it is nice ot hear it from an outside source.
That's great news!! My family has been pestering me to update them, and it'll be great to let 'em know Luke's at home :D

Awesome news!

We sometimes forget that while we can replace the "sheetmetal" in our lives we can't replace the people so Thank God your outcome was a good one.

My stepson was in a head on 2 years ago and walked away with minor cuts which nobody to this day understands how.

It has to be the same "person" up there that protected Luke.

Be well all, I just wish my kids were close enough tonight to hug the heck out of em.

JohnR said:
...I will post the results of the surgery on Tuesday evening. Thanks for putting up with my ramblings on this. Seems it helps to type it out.
Thank you for sharing this experience with us, and giving us the chance to "meet" your son. In a small way, I feel like part of your family.
Surgery went well

Well the surgery went well. They told us it would be 2 - 8 hours. Ended up with 4 hours. The doctor drew us an image to explain what he had done, 2 straps, 11 screws and 1 pin.


Luke is doing well and will come home tomorrow or the next day. The doctor says he can go back to school on Monday.

I was at the accident site yesterday as Luke lost his cell phone and it is pretty amazing that he was not hurt worse. It appeared as though he either rolled down the ditch aprox. 20 yards or was carried in the window of the bus that distance and then finally fell out. I'm not sure which would be worse but neither sounds good. The bus then continued on another 150 feet. :eek:

Again we are just very thankful it was not worse and that him or no one else was injured beyond repair.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

Here is a picture of Luke a few weeks back. Thought I should show what he looked like before the accident.

JohnR said:
Well the surgery went well. They told us it would be 2 - 8 hours. Ended up with 4 hours. The doctor drew us an image to explain what he had done, 2 straps, 11 screws and 1 pin.

What, no rivets?

But seriously, it's great to hear this story is working out so well. Judging from the picture, you should be very proud (of the boy, of course). :p
One last update on Luke's progress. He is doing great! He got home last night and is looking better every time I see him. I was amazed how much he improved from this morning when I left for a clients and when I got home this evening.

His spirits are good and he has youth on his side which helps a great deal. I cannot express enough the thanks for all who expressed their concern here and via email.

Thank you again for the prayers and thoughts! If all goes as planned we will be at OshKosh this year and will hopefully be able to meet some of you there.

Thanks again,