
Well Known Member
Off to the paintshop, part 2. Another milestone passed! YEEAHH!!!

I want to share another milestone with you people, because today it was time to get Kermit (the name of the -7) to the paintshop!

In this tread:
I told the story when we took the tailfeathers and the wings to the paintshop. Today, it was time to get the fuse up there.

First, it was time to let the fuse see and feel the Norwegian daylight for the first time since about 2010 when the wings where mated to the fuse.
Here the door is just opened:

Then into the nice Spring-sun with two happy guys in front:

Then it was time to load it onto the trailer:

A few moments later, the fuse was loaded:

Since the mailwheels where about 10 cm wider than the trailer, alittle engineering had to be done:

The tailwheel where tied securely in place:

And soon we was all set to go:

A 30 min drive later, (normally it takes 15 mins but today I was driving VERY careful...) we arrived safely at the paintshop without a scratch! Phew!

So long Kermit, see you in new clothes in a couple of weeks! (hopefully...)

The shop looks soooo empty and lonely now.... after building two QB -7's in there, but you bet the owner (my neighbour) is VERY happy to get his garage back. We've had it since Fall 2006....

So now, it's time to get started on all the paperwork while Kermit is getting his new clothes...
I'd rather be building, but it's no way around the papermill.....
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Anxious to see the paint scheme. Had to move my RV-8 on a trailer a couple times as well, it was very nerve wracking !
Yes, he's cool dude alright, that's for sure! :)

He is a car mechanic by profession and he has just gotten home his new project. It's going into his garage (the empty RV-shop) shortly.
He found it in a barn nearby and it's made in the 1920's I think.

It's in surprisingly good condition considering it's age, and I have no doubt he'll make an exellent job restoring it.

It's alittle secret for now, but here's a few hints and a teaser:
Has an engine, have four wheels, (the wheels are missing for now) an open cabin and a straight windshield. :D

I'll post a few pics in acouple of weeks when it's rolled into the shop.
It's going to be VERY interesting to visit him in his shop during the next few years! Almost (note I wrote "almost"...) as fun as going in the very same shop and building a RV in there.

PS: hope this post doesn't get deleted by the moderators. I'm hoping they'll allow it since it is kind of RV-related.... :D
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