
Well Known Member
Just want to share a milestone with you fellow-builders: on Friday last week, the wings and tailfeathers left their home for the paintshop!

The shop can only receive the wings and tailfeathers for now, but that's ok since we still have few last tasks to do on the fuse. We'll do those tasks while the paintshop are painting the wings and feathers.

Here, we are carrying the wings out of the passage-way in the basement. It's been their home since Spring 2006...

Then into my hobby-room:

Through the door:

Up the stairs and into the garage:

Onto the trailer:

The only thing I had to carry on the trailer was the HS. The rest of the feathers, flaps and ailerons fitted nicely in the truck

And finally on the road we went:

As you can see, it was pretty thight space at some places, but we didn't make a scratch on those beautiful QB-wings!
Neither did I get into an accident during the 30 min drive to the paintshop. :)

Now, all the pieces are safely with the shop. Phew! :D
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Thanks for the pictures. I love seeing where others are building. It must be a thrill to reach the point you can paint. I can't wait for that!

Having never been to Norway, it is interesting seeing your house, cars, and even the type of roofing. I think I would like to visit Norway sometime. I sure enjoy the pictures of people landing on frozen lakes and taxiing right up to a restaurant. That looks like real fun!

Good luck with the rest of your build.
Paint scheme


Cecilia and me are very happy with the paintscheme on our first -7. We copied that scheme from a US RV-7 builder which we found here at the forum, and he was kind enough to let us copy his scheme.

This US builder has been kind enough to let us copy his scheme once more, but this time, we'll use green instead of blue. (The name of the plane is "Kermit")
Here's a Photoshop manipulated pic of how it'll look:

The name "Kermit" will probably be smaller and not "bulgy".

The colours on the stripes are not quite decided yet either: we'll try different colours when the white and green are done and see how it all goes together before we make the final decition.
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Very pretty! I'm just starting my wings now so it will be a long time until I get around to painting, but it's fun to dream!