
Well Known Member
Leaving for Oshkosh in about an hour (the long 1:15 drive...) Lots of work to get done in the next couple of days to get the "Sea of RVs" ready for the onslaught. Everyone drive and fly safe, look forward to seeing everyone there, and remember one thing:

There is a NOTAM for OSH?

Not only is it a good idea to read it, but actually adhereing to the rules is a good thing also.
What it really means

To some it means, (k)Nown Only To Aviation Morons. Those will be the people who, well, you'll see. Only a couple of days till the Follies begin.

Everyone be safe!!!!

I want to fly the the fast path in with NORDO. I am old school. Radios are for sissies. If you hear my horn, move to the right. I will get my sectionals there, I heard they are 10% off onsite.


How about "oshkosh traffic, oshkosh traffic, this is..... xxxxx, inbound full stop landing, conflicting traffic please advise" haha.

Be safe...cant wait to see RV's everywhere.
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If anybody needs one, I have the one I used back in 2007. Only a couple pages missing. You seen one, you seen 'em all...

Bob Kelly
If anybody needs one, I have the one I used back in 2007. Only a couple pages missing. You seen one, you seen 'em all...

Bob Kelly

Bob! You need to put a warning on funny posts! Now, where did I put that glass cleaner! I spewed coffee all over my puter.:eek: