
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
in 2004, I made my first trip to Oshkosh, driving straight through from Houston, shopping for two days and coming away with couple grand worth of tools and parts for my in-work RV-8. :D

In 2005, I was a couple months from flying and, oh...I believe I was in Russia during the show!(That's OK...I didn't need to spend any money anyway...) :(

In 2006, the plane was finished, with a new paint job, and chomping at th bit to fly to Wisconsin...and I couldn't leave Houston due to work commitments....and I was really bummed... :mad:

This year, although I had blocked the entire week out on my calendar, priorities shifted, events conspired against me, and it looked like (although I have to be in Minnesota for the upcoming weekend), I STILL wouldn't be able to make it.

Until today, when things took yet another turn, and I am free to leave town a day or so before I expected, and If the weather holds, and the creek don't rise, I'll fly up tomorrow morning!

Man...I've never flown in there before, I've got the pre-mission jitters, but I've memorized the NOTAM...hope it all goes OK - and I hope to finally meet a few folks that are only names and great personalities that I have met here!

Unfortunately, I have to be on my way sometime Thursday...but maybe I can find an available ticket to Bob's BBQ - or volunteer to wash dishes! ;)

Early morning departure - Weathermeister looks promising!
Don't forget to wag your wings when they talk to you...that was the hardest part for me. :rolleyes:

Have a great trip and fair weather. Take just enough cash for consumables, Food-Water-Fuel. Leave the credit cards at home ;)

Have a safe trip! I wish I were going. I need to keep buiding though. And Jon sold our ride!!!!

Sorry Jon I had to do it one more time. Anyway I should be able to make it next year. When you get to Fisk look for the pink shirts.

Have fun.
Ironflight said:
Man...I've never flown in there before, I've got the pre-mission jitters, but I've memorized the NOTAM...hope it all goes OK

No kidding, I had the same feelings... but on my arrival at 1300 Tuesday, there was virtually no other arrival traffic. Easy! No radio transmissions at all, just rock your wings and you're in. I wonder if it's that easy getting out? I might have to find out tomorrow (Thursday) morning and bail out before the wx gets crappy.
I can confirm that Paul Dye arrived safely to OSH as I saw him tonight at the VERY enjoyable RV BBQ :D I'm checking in from the Homebuilt camping area using Mercedes Eulitt's cowling as my desktop! Good night, Rosie
Piece of Cake!

I'm now sitting in Minnesota, having spent a wonderful 24 hours in Oshkosh yesterday and this morning. The arrival was the way John described - no other traffic of not - I kept looking for someone to follow from Ripon to Fisk, and there just wasn't anyone! "Red and White RV approaching Fisk, rock your wings....Good job, turn right to 090 and you'll be on a left base for 36, monitor Tower...."

When I stopped for a departure briefing a little before noon, I said I wanted to leave before the show, and the fellow suggested I try to get underway by noon - that there could be a long line. Well, I looked, and didn't see many people moving. Bottom line, I cranked up at 1300, got picked up by a Scooter guy, handed to a flagman, another flagman, the next guy put me on the runway, and "Red and White RV, cleared for take-off!" Line, I sure didn't see a line!

Wanna hear everything that happened in between? Gonna have to work on that write-up for a little while!

Yup, piece of cake pretty much describes it! Perhaps I just got lucky on the timing, but I had no holding or backups coming in, no long lines getting out (1145 Thursday)... not even one transmission on the radio coming or going. Amazing. Must be beginner's luck.