
Well Known Member
Heading up to OSH in a few minutes. We've still got some work to do in Area 51 (RV parking) but we should be all ready for arrivals by Friday.

Hope to see many of you there. Fly/ drive safe and READ THE NOTAM!!!
Leaving for Oshkosh 2007

Tuppergal and I are leaving later today from SoCAL, 2-ship with Mercedes, for an overnight in Albuquerque, to Rock Falls (SQI formation clinic) Fri/Sat/Sun then into OSH (35-ship formation) on Sunday afternoon. I hope to meet many of you who I only know through VAF.com :p Fly safe! :D Rosie
I'm leaving this Sunday and plan to be there all week. It's a quick 2 hour flight from here. I can't wait to get to the "Big Show". It's always exciting and informational.

Lets be careful out there!
I will be home sanding my wheelpants...

and wondering when my new cylinders will arrive. The engine case was painted this morning. I gave the mechanic a can of nice blue paint but I am concerned that he may have painted it purple, or lavender or similar foo foo color. :)

As much as I want to make Oshkosh this year, events are conspiring against it....there is a slight chance I might get there for a day near the end of next week - I have to be in Minnesota the last weekend of the show, so I might swing a day...but it's very doubtful. :(

Y'all have a great time!
I am leaving Wed

My I can barley contain my excitement!! :D I have been to OSH twice before driving but this is my first time flying. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!
Look for the guy in the unpainted 8 with the big Grin :D :D
P.S. I got my new 496 and it is mind blowing :cool: