
Eventually we will wear cordless eyeglasses with images projected onto the lenses and motion-tracking sensors embedded. Your artificial horizon will then be visible no matter where you look, and you can have a "virtual dashboard" wider than your airplane...


I saw that the other day and it is an intresting application.

Of course, you will still want the in cockpit instruments just in case the HUD screen stops spinning.

That and it would be just a little bit difficult for the pusher guys to use this. ;)
800x600 resolution is now available commercially in headgear that allows you to see "through" the image (thus combining instruments with outside references).

A tiny MEMS AHARs attached either to the glasses or other head gear could provide correction to the image to adjust for head tilt and pan.

Traffic could be made "visible" miles away by highlighting when your head is facing roughly in the right direction. On a clear day, EFIS terrain and obstacles should be visible superimposed on the real-world view. IFR approaches would be visible as glowing paths through the sky, and restricted / controlled airspace could be similarly depicted.

THIS is what next-gen EFIS will be for us, folks. Upgraded displays today are simply refinements; true next-gen will be a paradigm shift.
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A tiny MEMS AHARs attached either to the glasses or other head gear could provide correction to the image to adjust for head tilt and pan.

That's easily said than done (especially on a moving aircraft). I worked a setup like this before (on the ground) and I made me vomit. :D
true next-gen will be a paradigm shift.

Yes, it always is.
My take on the future cockpit ?

No panel at all.
No glasses or headgear, not even HUD.

I'd like to see 3D images of what is needed when it is needed and where it is needed floating in space.
Coupled with voice and gesture commands and annunciation.
On autopilot, I want to point with my finger and say "go there". The thing must come back and say: "OK, I've cleared that with ATC, here we go. Would you like milk in your coffee ?".
HAL9000 has nothing on this.

In the meantime, I'll use one of our EFIS. As close as it gets for now...

Headgear or glasses are not the answer. I don't want to have to wear that stuff. Headsets are bad enough, at least I want to keep my eyes free.

CEO MGL Avionics
Yes, it always is.
My take on the future cockpit ?

No panel at all.
No glasses or headgear, not even HUD.

I'd like to see 3D images of what is needed when it is needed and where it is needed floating in space.
Coupled with voice and gesture commands and annunciation.
On autopilot, I want to point with my finger and say "go there". The thing must come back and say: "OK, I've cleared that with ATC, here we go. Would you like milk in your coffee ?".
HAL9000 has nothing on this.

In the meantime, I'll use one of our EFIS. As close as it gets for now...

Headgear or glasses are not the answer. I don't want to have to wear that stuff. Headsets are bad enough, at least I want to keep my eyes free.

CEO MGL Avionics

Images floating in space are still science fiction for the cockpit - lightweight head mounted video gear is not.

You are correct that not all pilots will be interested in such a solution; however, if you can buy ONE headset instead of SEVERAL screens I'll bet a substantial number will opt for the greater convenience and lower price.

It's ok if you don't want to offer that option - someone will!
