Rainier Lamers

Well Known Member
The latest version of Odyssey (free download from our website) adds airport and information plates functionality.
This includes geo-referenced plates (such as airport diagrams, world maps etc).

A plates compiler (beta version) is available for download from our EFIS tools page which allows simple manipulation of plates for use by the EFIS. This includes operations such as page rotation, cropping and scaling so the source documents are suitable for the EFIS screen but this also allows for geo-referencing of plates (most often needed for airport diagrams - the EFIS will paint an aircraft image on the location where you are on the airport diagram).

The plates compiler is compatible with Nacomatic so you can batch import plates. Plates are grouped by airport so you end up with only a single file per airport and the data is compressed so the resultant file tends to be quite a bit smaller than the original source data.

All your settings are kept on a "project bases" so next time you run the plates (perhaps they received an update), it's quick and easy.

The plates compiler runs under Windows but should also run in Linux under Wine.

Known issues with the plates compiler are:
Some plates in PDF format from NACO will not show text if you are using Windows XP (Vista is OK) - I found this with the CA take-off minimums. Still working on finding out why...


CEO MGL Avionics