I’ve had two Odyssey PC680s in my RV7A. They just didn’t have the cranking power I wanted. I now have the EarthX 900 battery installed. It has significantly more cranking amps and weights almost ten pounds less. Definitely a stronger battery.
Long time PC680 battery user in both my RV-7s with Lyc. IO-360-A1B6.

**No issues ever**

Recently changed over to EarthX ETX900 to save some weight.
I have two PC680's in my RV-9A, one as primary and the other as an avionics backup. They're outstanding batteries, reliable and durable. Before I bought the plane, they were routinely charged on a 2 amp float charger. I did buy an Odyssey BC6A charger for it which does have some de-sulfation capability. Those batteries have plenty of capability even in Minnesota mid-winter temps. I'm a big fan.
My SuperCub (sold) still has the same PC-680 I probably purchased in 2005. Ac flying since 2006. Not bad at all. While I had it it only let me down once on a frozen lake. Gave it a boost then and never had the issue again.

I’ve used the PC680 on my RV6A for 8 years and 1100 hours. I change one out in three years, it’s cheap insurance to always have power. I have the ones I take out running a chicken house door, another one starting a sprayer, another one opening a 8 ft. By 16 ft. Gate. Two of these are on solar panel chargers. Used daily and still working after 4 plus years.
The standard...

Anyone ever use an Odyssey. battery?
G Harben
Pretty much everyone. Vans even sells a standard size firewall mount for the PC680 in their accessories catalog. I even ran a PC925 in my Rocket, later it went in my Tacoma!
I'm on my 5th one in three different airplanes, great product.
Great Reply’s

I never cease to be amazed at the great information from the RV owners and enthusiasts. I will plan to go with one of the smaller batteries and mount it on the firewall. The battery is currently mounted between my feet. To access it requires removing the radios. Lengthy process!
Thanks to everyone!
G Harben
Glove box in a Four?

I never cease to be amazed at the great information from the RV owners and enthusiasts. I will plan to go with one of the smaller batteries and mount it on the firewall. The battery is currently mounted between my feet. To access it requires removing the radios. Lengthy process!
Thanks to everyone!
G Harben
One thing to consider when you remove the battery between your legs: a forward baggage area. I too moved my RV4 Odyssey battery to the firewall, then hinged my battery box cover and voila' glove box/forward baggage area!
Worth considering, holds a lot of stuff, forward of the CG and easy to reach inflight!
