
Well Known Member
Running GRT Horizon with ARINC module and internal GPS, GNS430W, GTX330 with TTrak VSVG Autopilot.

Finishing up final wiring and set up and after getting all of the ARINC settings correct I am getting this MSG on the 430> "VLOC Service Needed"

Can anyone give me some idea what this really means? I seem to be getting all of the VOR indicators from the 430 to the GRT EFIS so not sure what I should be looking for?

Any thoughts or help appreciated!

Bill S
7a on the verge!
I think its telling you, you don't have a valid vor or loc signal so I wouldn't worry about that at this stage, you also have settings in the 430 but I suppose you have set those.
That message indicates a hardware issue with the NAV receiver board in the 430W. If you have verified that you are supplying the proper power inputs on the P4006 NAV connector, then the next step would probably be to contact the dealer from whom you bought the unit and arrange to have it looked at.

A little more detail,...

Thanks for the replies. Just to throw out a little more detail, I have had trouble setting the ARINC speeds for the 430 330 GRT combination. Was continously getting a No Input Arinc Ch XX error and finally got all the speeds and channels set properly. Never saw the VLOC Msg until after the ARINC issues disappeared.

As I remember it, there are only two power leads for the 430. One for NAV and one for Comm and I "think" they are good as I am getting NAV indicators on the GRT EFIS under the conditions that I have checked so far. Is there another power lead other than the two mentioned?

If those are good, I take it I should just call Stein and see what he says about it. If I understand you correctly, this warning is not one that can be affected by the system settings or something I might have done unless it is a power issue?

Except that, I just remembered that I have a VOR/GS diplexer with the VOR going to an Archer antenna in the wing. Could that have anything to do with it? "Think" the antenna is wired properly.

Thanks Bill S
7a on the verge