
Well Known Member
I've been noticing an occasional miss / stumble ever since I did my last condition inspection. It might happen once every flight, and last for under a second. I'm not sure if I'm imagining something, or if I messed up a spark plug gap or ignition wire - or something else entirely that I am erroneously attributing to the inspection. Any thoughts on where to start an investigation?
The easiest thing to FUBAR during a condition inspection, and the easiest thing to check first, is that all the ignition wires are properly seated. Ask me how I know...
Sticking Exhaust Valve?

Search the forums for it...lots of posts, including mine (but only when I was running lean of peak.)

Worth a look, if everything obvious looks/tests good.
You need air, fuel and spark. You already have dual ignition. Do you have data recording? What does the fuel pressure do during the stumble?

My thought was also fuel. Maybe something in the filter. If doing as often as once a flight maybe the pump. If possible, look at pressure when it happens as johnbright suggests.
Fuel air spark

I agree with fuel air spark.
10 years ago we had just gotten a -6 with 0-360 FP.
Flying home from the purchase we noticed a slight miss...previous owner said he never noticed it. :-(
Try as I might I could not create it, or predict it. But it persisted non the less.
The air is easy to check. All clear? no intake leaks, compression test, etc.
The spark is easy too, mag check/inspect, wires tested, Plugs cleaned, tested.
The fuel was harder to test, at least once fuel flow was checked as we did not have equipment to test the carb. So we replaced it with a new one.
Problem solved!!
Ps to story, I sold the carb as a core with the history, new owner had it Overhauled and the problem was still it was really something with the carb. Just a story to help you figure it out.
Fuel air spark. Good Luck.
Something else to consider

Although unlikely, you may take a minute to read Post #28 Here about my experience. I chased it down for 2 years and spent thousands of dollars fixing things that were thought to be culprit... turned out to be a much less expensive and unlikely source.

Carbs that were manufactured with a 2 piece venture and replaced with a 1 piece (per the AD) have this problem.