Ron Lee

Well Known Member
Yesterday, as part of my condition inspection, I repacked the main wheel bearings. Then last night I wondered if all the parts associated with this were installed and in place when I put the wheels back on. I was concerned about the aluminum spacer that is as thick as the two thin metal rings and fiber seal that are just outside the bearing.

This morning I verified that the outer one was in place but to verify the inner one I had to remove the wheel again. So I did. It took thirty minutes to inspect both whereas a final check before installing them yesterday would have taken ten seconds.

I probably would have noticed the inner spacer being absent when I mounted the wheel on the axle but the potential for wheel failure if I was wrong made the decision to check them an easy one.

Moral: Make double sure that all parts are in place before mounting the wheels.
Get a camera


I was thinking for something like that it might be a good idea to take a couple of pictures during the reassemble process for viewing at a later time.

I have done the same thing as you, sometimes you just are not sure.

1000 words

Just like Avee8tor13 and NASA, I take pictures of the work I do before covering it up. Did I safety the prop bolts correctly ? Did I install those snap rings on the wheels correctly ? Did I safety the front tank attach bolt ... you get the idea.

I still double check a half dozen times visually, but the picture is good insurance. And with "film" basically free these days - why not.
As far as pictures, take them BEFORE taking things apart too. Not that I ever had issues in this area.