Randy Walls

Active Member
I am about half way through the RV-7 tail kit. I thought I would post some observations.

1. Building is a LOT of work.

2. Van's replacement parts are reasonably priced and the folks on the other end of the phone are very nice and competent.

3. Before you cut, drill, or bang on anything look at the drawing 3 times and measure twice. Then do it again,(see number 2 above).

4. I have learned to hate blue plastic!

5. Building is more fun than you should be allowed to have!!!

This is so cool!
4. I have learned to hate blue plastic!

There is a trick to dealing with blue plastic. Go to your local Radio Shack and pick up a cheap soldering iron. Round off the tip and use the hot tip to cut a nice swath for your rivet lines. Your parts will then look like this:

Easy plastic removal

For larger parts, peel off a little plastic, say 2 inches from the end. Using tape of some sort, like duct tape, tape that plastic to an old broom stick, piece of PVC pipe or something similar. Take a pair of vise grips, grab on to an end of the pipe and roll the plastic up. Comes off easily.

For small parts, peel back a little plastic, grab it with your hand seamers and pull the plastic off.

Plastic comes off a tiny little bit easier if it is at room temp vs. cold.
1. And a LOT of fun and education.
2. 'Replacement' parts are the same parts/price as original parts....of course they're nice...they are selling parts :D.
3. Yes...1st rule of building 101.
4. Whenever I have a lot of plastic to remove (skins) I go get the kids and we all jump in!
5. If you think you're having fun now...wait till you get to the fiberglass :D

I am about half way through the RV-7 tail kit. I thought I would post some observations.

1. Building is a LOT of work.
2. Van's replacement parts are reasonably priced and the folks on the other end of the phone are very nice and competent.
3. Before you cut, drill, or bang on anything look at the drawing 3 times and measure twice. Then do it again,(see number 2 above).
4. I have learned to hate blue plastic!
5. Building is more fun than you should be allowed to have!!!
This is so cool!
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I am about half way through the RV-7 tail kit. I thought I would post some observations.

4. I have learned to hate blue plastic!

I actually heard (read) one individual talking about how therapeutic removing the blue plastic is..... One man's pleasure, another man's pain ?!?!?
Therapeutic? Perhaps....

Myself, I decided this evening that I'm tossing the rounded-tip soldering iron and joining the plastic-peeler club. It's just a little too much work, a little too much worry about scratching the surface with the iron, and I just decided I'm simply not anal enough to mess with it. Off with the blue plastic!