Good morning and thanks for the approval to join this group. After having read the read me first I didn't see a specific place to do an intro post so I thought I would drop it here. I'm a newly minted private pilot having passed my check ride on December 6th and I'm looking forward to learning more about the concept of home built experimentals. I started my training at KHEF and KJYO before a 7 year hiatus and a move to KLEE where I finally got serious about it.

The idea of working on my own aircraft and understanding its operation through the process of building it really interests me. I'm looking at an RV-10 in my future due to the true 4 seat nature fitting our mission profile. Until then I'm going to rent as I build experience.

I'm planning on attending the local EAA meeting later this month if COVID doesn't shut down the meeting.

Welcome to Van’s Airforce! You’ll find us to be a very genial and helpful group. The knowledge repository here is truly mind-boggling, as you will find with more time. Enjoy! Flying experimental aircraft is the most fun you can have with your clothes on!
Welcome to the group. This is the go to place for RV knowledge. At first it will be like drinking from a fire Hose!
The 10 is a great choice.

You're going to want to go ahead and order the kit - the leadtimes are stretching out!
The 10 is a great choice.


Well, the 10 is a great airplane.

IMHO, it may not be a great choice for a first time builder to learn on.

Not that folks have not been successful with a 10 as a first time builder.

You need to be honest with yourself as to your knowledge, skills, and determination to follow through with an expensive and years long project.

Have you joined EAA----and a local chapter? Talked to local builders?
Welcome! I flew out of KHEF for a little over 10 years and did our RV-10’s first flight out of there back in 2015. We moved to Tampa in 2019 and our 10 is hangared at Tampa Exec (KVDF).
Hi, Eric. Welcome!

I am grateful to my CFI of 30 years ago who casually told me about experimental aviation, even though he had never dabbled in it, and opened my eyes to the world beyond the tired old C-150 he was giving instruction in. What a life-changing conversation that turned out to be! Three experimental aircraft projects later, I am the proud owner of an RV-10 and will say it never fails in its primary mission of making me look better than I am. Delightful plane to fly, although I miss the eager responsiveness and the aileron rolls in the 6A.

After a year of flying the 10 off my home turf strip, I can honestly say I've never experienced a go-around in it - the landings are just that easy to nail every time. It honestly goes where you point it and energy management is really intuitive. By comparison the 6A was like landing the shuttle or a flying manhole cover when doing short/soft field landings. The 10 just about lands itself. You will love it.

By all means get connected with the local EAA chapter if you can, especially if you bite off a -10 as your introduction to sheet metal aircraft building.

I need to grab my RV-10-owning instructor friend and practice a go-around or two, so I'm ready if I ever have to reject an approach - that's a deficit in my training to date.
You're going to want to go ahead and order the kit - the leadtimes are stretching out!

Well first I need to order a building so I have a place to build it. The garage is full and I would like a dedicated workshop. Needless to say this is looking a little ways off both from a comfort and budget standpoint. Additionally I'm hoping to find someone doing a build in my area that I can maybe help with and gain some hands on experience with.
Well first I need to order a building so I have a place to build it. The garage is full and I would like a dedicated workshop. Needless to say this is looking a little ways off both from a comfort and budget standpoint. Additionally I'm hoping to find someone doing a build in my area that I can maybe help with and gain some hands on experience with.

You definitely should join the EAA and find a local chapter - they will be your biggest asset on that part.
Well, the 10 is a great airplane.

IMHO, it may not be a great choice for a first time builder to learn on.

Not that folks have not been successful with a 10 as a first time builder.

You need to be honest with yourself as to your knowledge, skills, and determination to follow through with an expensive and years long project.

Have you joined EAA----and a local chapter? Talked to local builders?

I'm planning on attending a meeting at Chapter 534 here at KLEE.
Well first I need to order a building so I have a place to build it. The garage is full and I would like a dedicated workshop. Needless to say this is looking a little ways off both from a comfort and budget standpoint. Additionally I'm hoping to find someone doing a build in my area that I can maybe help with and gain some hands on experience with.

My Dad built a -10 a few years back and currently building a -14. He's in The Villages. PM me for details